Healers like myself have been cherishing the remaining time we have until the mana regen nerf is implemented since we are the ones most affected and targeted by the changes. The aim of the nerfs is to make mana conservation and management a big thing and not just rely on our regen to tide us over while we heal endlessly.
Ghostcrawler came up with more details about this nerf in a post in the official forums. Based on what he wrote, there's some cause for celebration since the nerfs don't seem to be as bad as we all thought. I won't go into detail with what he says but if you want to see the details then you can go ahead and read his post. The long and short of what he wrote is this:
Mana regen while not casting will be reduced by 40%
Mana regen while casting remains unchanged.
Talents that provide mana regen while casting (spirit tap, arcane meditation etc) will be increased by 67%
Paladins will have their Divine Plea healing penalty reduced to -50% and spiritual attunement mana gains decreased for non tanks.
It's still sad for us healers to see our regen get nerfed but as you can see from the details, it's not as bad as we thought. Sure we won't be able to take much advantage of those big regen ticks when we're not casting but at least the regen while casting still remains the same. In fights where we're constantly casting our heals, this nerf won't make a difference.