There's an outburst in the druid community now because the class is getting some nerfs in patch 3.1. One of them is the change to the feral talent Heart of the Wild where at max rank, the stamina bonus it gives will be reduced from a 20% increase to just a 10% increase. According to Ghostcrawler, this is part of their effort to make all tanks' HP pools closer together but of course a nerf is a nerf and this sucks for bear tanks.
The next change is the one to the resto spell lifebloom, the resto druid's best friend in tank healing in groups/raids. The change goes as follows:
Mana costs of all ranks doubled. When Lifebloom blooms or is dispelled, It now refunds half the base mana cost of the spell per application of Lifebloom, and the heal effect is multiplied by the number of applications.
Of course all resto druids are pretty mad that their bread and butter tank healing spell will become less efficient especially since the practice of rolling lifeblooms negates whatever bonus was given to it blooming given that that's what rolling lifeblooms is all about - keeping the 3 stack up at all times. Ghostcrawler's forum post on the matter gave you a sense that they felt the spell was too efficient a heal especially if kept rolling but instead of nerfing the heal itself they decided to just increase its cost. After being assigned to raid healing a few times in 10 man Naxx a few times, I found out that I cast lifeblooms and let them bloom quite often so this might be a nice change for people who do this since the bloom will refund mana and get a healing bonus.
While this change is quite a sad one for PvE resto druids, it's quite a buff for ones who do PvP a lot. People will think twice now before dispelling HoT's especially in the arena tournament. This is quite a welcome change to complement the fact that the PvP resto druid's worst enemy has been tamed because of the removal of the Death Knight's ability to remove HoT's through Plague Strike. These two changes just might catapult resto druids back to king status as arena healers.