I was reading through some of the material about the World Wide Invitational (WWI) in World of Raids when I came across the mention of the dire cat form of Druids for Wrath of the Lich King. It's still in the planning stages as well as another model for dire bear form but the mention makes one wonder exactly what dire cat form will be.
I haven't played a druid to high levels yet but based what some people tell me about the situation of the cat druid and the rogue is that they have almost the same dps potential but the rogue is more flexible with his abilities. Rogues can stun, sap and even vanish when he's in trouble while cat druids can't. I've read of other claims that rogues beat cat dps by a substantial amount. (Someone please tell me which it is).
This leaves a lot of room for speculation about what the dire cat form could be, aside from a model change. Can it mean more damage? Or will it mean more armor or some form of avoiding or mitigating damage? Or will it mean getting a trick or two rogues have for escaping death like a version of vanish or something? My guess is probably as good as good as any one else's.
At the end of this all, the most important question will have to be answered. Will the dire cat form finally make cat druids a respectable and accepted member of even the most hardcore raiding guilds? If not, then having this improvement won't really change anything much.