My frustrations concerning the paladin holy tree for the WoTLK expansion got me planning ahead. I'm already leveling up my druid so that I can have it ready to be a healer just in case nothing changes for the better for my dear paladin. I figured that if things will go well with the paladin eventually, then my druid could be a Moonkin and blast some face.
This little project of mine got me planning ahead so I went browsing at the MMO Champion's list of spells for the expansion. While I found a lot of the spells quite interesting, one thing caught my eye. For a moment I thought I was seeing things and had to make a double take. It's this entry right here:
Revive (rank 7) level 80:Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 1800 health and 1365 mana. Cannot be cast when in combat.
10 sec cast, 72% of base mana, 30 yd range
It's an out of combat rez! It's something that druids have been asking for since a long time ago (maybe even since the game came out). The really neat thing is that druids will get their first rank of Revive at level 12, according to MMO Champion. The argument against an OOC rez was that druids already have the battle rez Rebirth. Of course we know that it's no substitute for a real rez spell.
Now that druids finally have an OOC rez and a nice crowd control spell now that Entangling Roots can be used both indoors and outdoors, this gives Moonkins and Resto druids (especially with the new talents for both Balance and Resto) so much more group utility that it almost makes it it so much harder to not bring them to a group. This would definitely cause a lot of whines from other classes but I see it as a nice move that will benefit everyone more than cause any harm. Imagine, no more running back just because your only healer was a druid and couldn't rez you.