The past few days, I've been thinking about how the design of certain talents of a certain class would look pretty good if it were used by another class in their own way. If you think about it, some talents are already like this - just modifications of talents that already existed. For example isn't it that the Druid's Swiftmend, a spell obtained through talents, just a healing twist on the Warlock's Conflagrate, also a spell obtained through talents? The Paladin's Holy Guidance talent from the Holy tree is also a twist on the Mage's Mind Mastery talent from the Arcane tree. I've been thinking that there could be more potential in simply taking an existing talent and applying it to another class to fit their class design. I've listed a few below. While some ideas could be out of this world, I'm sure some have potential to actually be used in the WoTLK expansion.
Warlock: DoT Form
I was thinking that since druids are the kings of HoT's and warlocks are the kings of DoTs, perhaps the two get be potential partners in talent recycling. One idea I find amusing is to translate the Tree of Life talent for the use of warlocks. I was thinking of it being in the affliction tree somewhere deep. I'm not really familiar with how exactly end game affliction warlocks work but perhaps there are times when you're better off just using your DoT's the whole time if only you could maximize their damage potential. In these situations, the warlock can shift to form that makes use of just DoT's but while in this form they cost less to cast and do a heck lot more damage!
Healing class (Shaman maybe?): The Healing Arcane Power
Ever been in a situation where you need stronger heals during an encounter and you don't really care if it's going to cost you more mana? Let's say you got the boss down to 5% and you just need some staying power on your heals or the group wipes. This might be the answer! I'm thinking shaman since it sounds consistent with the type of thing a shaman would do with the blood lusts and shamanistic rage and all. Pop the talented ability and the shaman goes off into a healing frenzy!
Paladin: The Healing Ignite
Paladins have always complained about their lack of a heal over time. maybe a talent that can work like the healing version of the mage fire tree talent Ignite could help while not really giving them a true HoT. Basically when the paladin crits on his/her heals the target also gets a HoT equivalent to a percentage of the heal. This won't make holy paladins the kings of HoT's but it definitely sounds like a cool idea.
Mage: Spirit of Redemption For More Pwnage!
I've always been quite intrigued by the priest Spirit of Redemption talent since it allows them to heal for a while longer even after they die. Imagine if a mage would be able to wreak some havoc even after he falls. You could say that since the mage left behind some arcane residue, he is able to remain active and do some damage for some time even after dying.
What do you think about these ideas? Do you have some ideas of your own? Please share them here.