My buddy Jkoll decided to hop guilds again recently, and as usual, I decided to follow him.
I follow him mainly because he's one of my few "friends" on the game, and also because following him before has proven to be a positive experience - each guild he's joined after leaving a previous one was better than the previous one, more involved, more interesting people, more activities. It was great...
Until we joined a guild whose leaders decided to take advantage of the fact that folks can, over the next week, transfer their characters off of Zul'jin, to help populate a new PvE server and reduce load on Zul'jin itself.
Soooo... I figured I'd leave that guild and hopefully be able to get back into the guild I was in before that - the H E R D.
The only problems were that 1) I didn't know if they'd take me back because I didn't even say goodbye when I left, and 2) I could remember any of the guild member names well enough to send them an email through the game to ask to be re-instated.
My standard way to deal with these kinds of things is to just keep playing, keep moving forward, and let time take its course. Usually a solution presents itself and life moves on again.
And this time was no different - I decided to take the Zeppelin to Undercity and while I was waiting there, a Tauren from The H E R D wandered in to wait for the same Zeppelin! I /gquit on the spot and asked them if I could get invited back. I explained I had followed a friend to a new guild but that new guild is leaving for the new server and I didn't want to go. I further explained that I liked The H E R D as a guild, I had quite enjoyed being a part of it and I would really enjoy coming back.
So, now I'm back being a Newcomer in The H E R D and I'm sure I won't be getting promoted to the Herdsman (full member) status again for a while, but I'm okay with that.
I think Jkoll might be interested in coming back to this guild but there was nobody on last night who could invite him so who knows. I might come back online with him in ANOTHER guild, but I'm going to stay with The H E R D for a while.
I'm actually thinking of creating my own guild to help newbies, but I'm not interested in it quite yet. Plus, I'd need some partners with similar newbie-helping values. I need to meet them first before putting the guild in place. There's lots of time for that.