I'm not at my home computer right now or I'd log in and get a picture of my new PvP rank - I'm a Grunt. In the Horde, that's the second rank and therefore it has two stripes. It's equivelent to the rank of Corporal on the Alliance side.
My last couple of games of Warsong Gulch';s capture the flag game as a lvl 29 were great, I even captured the flag for the first time. As a Hunter I'm generally "support" of the guy going for the flag but I thought I'd go for it myself a couple of times and I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to get the flag and bring it all the way back to our base with little trouble that game.
Of course, now that I'm in the 30-39 range and I'm lvl 32 myself, getting anywhere near the flag is much more of a challenge, but I shall persevere (osu!)!
I've played 3 rounds of WSG since hitting level 30 and the new category that comes along with that (fighting against lvl 30-39's instead of 20-29's), and it sure is different than the previous level grouping!
First of all, the number of kills in a game is usually way lower than the 20-29 range. I guess the 29's are a lot more powerful than the 20's, or the teams are more organized by the time they get to the 30-39 range so the 30's are getting more defense from their teammates when the 39's attack. I tend to think it's just the power differential, but maybe it's just my limited experience, too.
Secondly, the rounds tend to go a lot longer than they did during the 20-29 games. Usually with the 20-29 range I could get into a game within 15 minutes, but now sometimes I'm waiting an hour for the previous game to end. I'd imagine the length of the game skews my thoughts of the # of kills per game but I don't think the 20-29 ones regularly went as long as the higher category's.
I did pretty well even though I was lvl 31 against a lot of 39's. In fact, one time when I was the only person tailing a guy who picked up our flag, my pet and I got him distracted enough that he, at level 38, stopped running with the flag and decided to take me on directly to try to get rid of me. But once he broke off from running and started on me he could see he had a lot less hit points than myself and my pet and we were knocking them down further more quickly than he could knock me down. So... he started to run again, but then came back and attacked me again... and one of my teammates caught up with us and helped me finish the guy off.
I came out of the night with 24 honorable kills from those three rounds. I tried to play a round last night but they were taking too long for me to get in before it was time for bed. Ah well, I'll try again tonight!