The Lagoon - Motes of Life and Cenarion Reputation

The Lagoon - Motes of Life and Cenarion Reputation

It%26#8217;s no secret that there are lots of great places in Zangarmarsh (Wowhead | WowWiki) to grind out Motes of Life (WowEcon | Wowhead), and the really awesome thing is that you can do it as early as level 61.

The Lagoon - Zangarmarsh

I was just introduced to a great tucked-away area in Zangarmarsh that will have you rolling in Motes of Life in no time: The Lagoon, which is home to loads of Lagoon Walkers.

These Lagoon Walkers have an 18.5% drop rate for Motes of Life, which is only slightly less than their other mote-dropping friends in Zangarmarsh. As experienced gold farmers know, however, the drop rate is only half of what makes a good grinding mob.

The Lagoon is still relatively deserted, so you should have no problems keeping the place all to yourself for some time. Also the Lagoon Walkers go down very easily, so you can keep your kill rate very high with a minimum of downtime. These two factors make this just about the best location within Zangarmarsh to grind Motes of Life.

Lagoon Walkers also have high drop rates for the vendor-trash items Creeping Moss (1.74 gold per stack) and Blighted Fungus (1.98 gold per stack).

They drop Unidentified Plant Parts (WowEcon | Wowhead) as well, which can be turned in at Cenarion Refuge for Cenarion Expedition (Wowhead | WowWiki) reputation until Honored or sold for an average price of about 17.50 silver a piece. This makes the Lagoon Walkers an awesome mob to grind both for gold and repuation.

If you need some help figuring out how to make more gold in World of Warcraft, I think you should study Derek%26#8217;s Gold Mastery Guide. This is a great multi-part collection of in-depth gold-making guides that is useful for advanced players as well as nubs. My favorite is the gold grinding guide, but I also like the bonus fishing and profession-leveling guides also. Well worth the investement!