My #1 Mote of Fire Farming Spot - Level 67+

As with every type of mote in Burning Crusade, there are several spots to farm Motes of Fire (WowEcon | Wowhead). My personal favorite spot is located in north-central Blade%26#8217;s Edge Mountains (Wowhead | WowWiki).
This spot is similar in many ways to my favorite Mote of Air farm - that is, there are many elementals of one type which are pretty easy and respawn quick, but have annoying mobs mixed in to slow down your mote harvesting. Farming spots like these will still net you more motes than anywhere else - including Elemental Plateau (in my opinion).
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First Posted on: May 25th, 2008 by Fortuente 1 Comment %26#187;
Tags: Burning Crusade | Mote Farming | The Grind