Farming Motes on Elemental Plateau - Level 70

This post updated on: April 21, 2008
The undead rogue looks up from his meal - a Scarlet Crusade warrior who didn%26#8217;t know when not to attack - at the menacing fortress of Tyr%26#8217;s Hand. %26#8220;This place is virtually deserted of both Alliance and Horde champions,%26#8221; he thought while sucking out the marrow of the unfortunate cultist%26#8217;s left femur. %26#8220;This place used to be nothing but female Night Elf Hunters as far as the eye could see, but now? Where have they all gone?%26#8221;
Have you ever wondered where exactly it is all the gold farmers are hanging out these days?
Well since players have made the jump to the Outlands with the release of the Burning Crusade they%26#8217;ve been farming the Elemental Plateau in northern Nagrand (Wowhead | WowWiki), of course!
Located just a quick flight above the Throne of Elements, there are Water, Air, Earth and Fire elementals all bundled together. They respawn fairly quick and all enjoy the same obscenely high mote drop rates.
So did I mention it%26#8217;s heavily farmed? Depending on the time of day and your server population, this place can get get crowded. Despite some tweaking over the months by Blizzard and the introduction and discovery of some other great mote-farming spots, this is still one of the fastest places to collect motes. Because crafters of virtually all the professions use the primals these motes combine to form (10 motes make one primal) and have a seemingly insatiable apetite for them, they worth a great of WoW gold at the auction house.
Aside from the plentiful mob population, Blizz even gave us a nearby graveyard %26#8230; it%26#8217;s almost as if they designed the Elemental Plateau as a Gold Farmer%26#8217;s Heaven.
To top it all off, in the fishable water around the Elemental Plateau there are six spawn points for Pure Water Pools. But your fishing better be pretty high - the minimum level is 380 and it takes a whopping 475 skill to be able to catch one every time.
Recently, a back door has even been discovered that will get you into Elemental Plateau without a flying mount. It does however take a lot of patience and skill with jumping up steep slopes.
If you think this is a good spot to make WoW gold, try Valkor%26#8217;s Gold-Making Guide. He has loads of other great farming spots, including a bunch that aren%26#8217;t already overcrowded like Elemental Plateau! And this 100+ page guide is continually updated for free!