My #1 Mote of Fire Farming Spot - Level 67+

As with every type of mote in Burning Crusade, there are several spots to farm Motes of Fire (WowEcon | Wowhead). My personal favorite spot is located in north-central Blade%26#8217;s Edge Mountains (Wowhead | WowWiki).
This spot is similar in many ways to my favorite Mote of Air farm - that is, there are many elementals of one type which are pretty easy and respawn quick, but have annoying mobs mixed in to slow down your mote harvesting. Farming spots like these will still net you more motes than anywhere else - including Elemental Plateau (in my opinion).
The mobs we are farming are Searing Elementals. These guys can be tough with the fire damage, but go down relatively easy from the melee perspective. They are regular level 67-68 mobs with a 26% drop rate for Motes of Fire. Interspersed among them are Scorch Imps, which go down quickly but also feature an annoying ranged fire attack.
Like any of the farmable elementals in WoW, you should expect to kill anywhere from a couple to a couple dozen of these before you start seeing drops. Then you will get a sweet run of 10-15 motes before finding yourself killing several more with no motes. If you are not getting motes from these do not give up - eventually you will make at least Wowhead%26#8217;s drop rate. And so far this is the best Mote of Fire spot I have found.
You can find some really good techniques for expanding on mote farming, selling and crafting in Derek%26#8217;s Gold Mastery Guide - a collection of in-depth gold-making guides that is useful for players if all skill levels. The profession-leveling guides included are extremely helpful if you want to actually use the motes you farm instead of simply selling them all. I think it was worth the investment especially with all the free updates.