Recently I have spotted few stella mccartney bags among the latest handbags collection, kind of wired especially when I am actually searching for information and details about this doubted talented English fashion designer. Well, I firmly believe that you can not judge a designer until you indeed carry her or his bags and then you can tell. However critics she might be towards Chloe, I find McCartney a genius designer since she has successfully mixed styles of elegant and naive. That is amazing for young girls’ using. Have a look at this Stella mccartney eco cotton tie and dye big chain shopper, and you will get a clearer look of mccartney’s contrasting and mixed styles. The eco cotton is supposed to be feminine yet it becomes vivid with the cooperation of the exaggerated chain detail on body and handles. Therefore, this tie and dye big chain shopper makes a perfectly daily carryall for young girls for either working or casual friends gathering.
Never using animal skin or furs, the stella mccartney handbag is labeled to spot clean only. This bag with subtle tie dye effect on eco cotton fabric is no exception. With interior lining with stella mccartney logo disc, the bag reveals to perfect the house’s motif of comfort and sporty together. The bag measures 45cm in height, 43cm in height and 14cm in depth so that it is large enough to pack up your everyday objects including books and agenda and even a bottle of water. Like this stella mccartney bag? It is only available at a price of $1, 435.00.
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