Animal prints, solid and two-tone leather, and stripes are some of the latest handbag styles seen by Fendi. If the tricolored stripe handbag is capturing your interest, various designer inspired purses at Best Handbag Wholesale have a similar design. This particular striped handbag has diagonal stripes going around the outside, each in a different color. The bag, straying away from the western style BHW is traditionally associated with, is made of a soft leatherette material and has a basic buckle closure. Pair this with any solid, somewhat-staid color outfit and the bag will pop right out.
The rest of Fendi’s collection, with the exception of the striped bag, covers all of the basic trends. Fur and animal prints, such as cheetah and leopard skin, are both present and, similarly, many handbags at BHW combine these two elements, particularly many of the cowskin handbags. Unlike their contemporaries, Fendi appears to go with the natural shades for the animal print and skin – nothing too bright and artificial-looking. Solid and two-tone bags, as mentioned previously, are another trend shared by Fendi and BHW, and many of the patent leather bags by BHW have a two-tone look to them.