Recycling Fashion


There has been a movement around the world over the last decade to push for more sustainable products and systems that promote eco-friendly energy and other goods. Frankly, the idea of being sustainable hasn’t really been an issue for handbag designers – if fashion is comprised in any way, the materials will not be used. Luckily some designers are looking for ways to incorporate the issues of environmental protection and sustainable products into their stylish handbags.

luis vuitton walletReveal is a company devoted to using and promoting eco-friendly practices to make fashion accessories. Currently, Reveal is promoting a new line of western style handbags that are environmentally smart, yet merge sustainability without giving up style. This, according to the International Business Times, is part and parcel of Reveal’s general message, which is focused on fixing damaged eco-systems all over the world:

&luis viton#8220;Complementing the current mobile and modern lifestyle, the Recycled range includes a selection of women’s handbags and wallets, men’s messenger bags and bamboo accessories, and eco-modern mobile accessories.”

vuitton louisThe idea behind eco-friendly fashion is quickly spreading across various sectors of the world, but fashion has been a little slow to follow through. Luckily, many designers and brands are beginning to embrace the movement towards sustainable clothing. For instance, major store The Gap has partnered with Cotton Incorporated to gather donated jeans to use as insulation for homes built for families in need:

“As part of their Recycle Your Blues campaign the Gap is giving customers 30 percent off new 1969 denim purchases when you donate your old jeans. The old denim that the Gap collects will be converted into UltraTouch cotton fiber insulation and donated to communities in need. The Gap and Cotton Incorporated collected more than 270,000 pairs of jeans last March for their first denim drive. The donated jeans were converted into insulation for 500 homes in need, and for projects including Hurricane rebuilding efforts.”