New Faux Suede Tote Bags from BHW


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Always wanted a suede handbag (or to sell suede handbags, if you’re a retailer), but could never afford one? One option is a faux suede handbag, and Best Handbag Wholesale has new suede-like tote bags. Tote bags fall under the category of handbags, and, although canvas is often seen as the traditional material for totes, leather and suede are options. One common style for leather tote bags is a solid color design in black, brown, or white leather, but the new products in BHW take this basic design and embellish it with western style. From belt buckles to rhinestones, an ordinary brown or black suede tote becomes appropriate enough to take to a rodeo or any place to show off your western style.

louis vuitton purseEach western style suede tote bag from Best Handbag Wholesale has a basic two-tone design made from leatherette. The design includes a faux suede body in beige, black, or a brighter color like red or pink. Added to this is dark brown leatherette that looks more like leather. The brown leatherette frames the tote bag on the bottom and on the handle. The overall look of the handbag is of a combination of leather and suede – but at a fraction of the price.

As BHW’s specialty is western fashion, these tote bags are embellished for some western character. The most notable western feature on these bags is the large belt buckle closure, a common characteristic on many of BHW’s western handbags. Aside from this, the strap and bottom leather-like portions are embellished with studs and rhinestones, with rows of small metal studs and larger rhinestones alternating on the bottom edge of the bag. For a modern western look that hints of bling, one of these tote bags is stylish and spacious enough to carry all of your daily needs.