More Monogrammed Handbags


lois vitonMonogrammed handbags have their own niche in purse styles. Some high-end brands always have at least one monogrammed design available, and these are usually Louis Vuitton with the standard “LV” design, Coach, and Gucci, and event Fendi has monogrammed handbags to an extend with an imprinted F pattern, as seen in the last post about wallets by Fendi. While monogrammed handbags seemed to appear the brand-name fashion craze of the late ‘90s, they seem here to stay, at least among the few brands mentioned. While some designer brands keep their dignity and tone down their lack of advertising by simply having the metal name plate, others, like Coach, print the entire fabric of the bag with their logo.vuitton louis

luis vuitton walletsAnd, to an extent, this kind of gets boring. How many variations can Coach do on its “C” logo or Louis Vuitton with the “LV”? Dark colored letters on a dark colored background don’t always cut it and suddenly going to too-bright colors, a la Coach’s latest youthful collection Poppy, doesn’t really make sense. One variation seen on this well-worn style recently was a small handbag, called a pochette, by Louis Vuitton. The newer monogrammed handbag design is limited edition but, at the same time, it adds some variation to the typical monogram design by adding a sequined monogram pattern over the printed pattern on the leather surface.luis vuitton wallet

Similar monogrammed handbag styles can be found through more affordable retailers. While this limited edition Louis Vuitton pochette costs slightly over $900, a more affordable and regularly-used monogram design can be found through Best Handbag Wholesale as a designer inspired handbag. These designer inspired handbags are designed with the same color combinations seen on higher-end designer monogram bags, only the monogram on the bag, unlike a knockoff, doesn’t mimic any of those seen on designer bags. While the “C” or “G” logo is similar to that seen on a Gucci or Coach bag, it’s not a direct replica.