Men Wearing Purses?


500x 0924 kravitzEvery week, there are stories about celebrities that may or may not be true. Just take a look at a grocery cashier’s magazine rack: BRANGELINA SPLITS!!! ANISTION TO BLAME! You know what I’m talking about – those trashy tabloids with “sourced” stories with no legitimate proof of celebrity wrongs and bad deeds.

However, there are times when pictures are taken that can change your beliefs about headlines. When I saw a headline talking about rocker Lenny Kravitz wearing a “dress,” high heels and a purse, I just had to see for myself. I mean, I know rock stars are weird, but even the straight ones just wear girly jeans, not high heels or purses! Then I stumbled upon this blog and the picture that accompanies this post – Lenny Kravitz with a dress, purse and high heeled boots! This blog has this to say:

lui vitton

“The first thing that came to mind when I saw this photo of sex-symbol/rocker Lenny Kravitz during New York Fashion Week dressed in a draped tunic (dress?), black leather pants, black leather knee-high boots with a high wedge heel and matching black leather man-purse was – this has to be a joke.

Sadly, it’s not.lois viton

Yes, we now live in an age where the “metrosexual” craze has taken over, where skinny ties and Dior Homme suits are the must-have items for rappers like Kanye West and Pharrell Williams. Retro plaid shirts, kool-aid colored kicks, and skinny jeans are spotted on every heterosexual 20-something male down Michigan Avenue.”

I don’t think that men will ever get to a point where they can wear western-style handbags like Jennifer Lopez or Blake Lively, but there may be a day when messenger bags may start to look a bit more fashion-oriented. Calling Victoria Beckham and Hermes!