Lindsay Lohan Spotted With Pyramid Studded Handbag


louie va tonLindsay Lohan is seen here with a pyramid studded leather handbag.

luis vuittonLindsay Lohan is seen here with a pyramid studded leather handbag. Photo from Bag That Style.lois viton

Studded handbags have, literally, been all the rage. But whether you’re wild for fashion or express all the rage of a punk rock show, studded handbags have been appropriate for high-end and DIY fashion. In general, the studs used on many handbags this past season have been bullet studs, or rounded studs. Some of these have even been as large as conchos, if you consider studs on leather as western fashion. But, more recently, Lindsay Lohan was spotted with a studded black leather handbag with pyramid studs. Although Lohan isn’t always considered the most up-to-date in fashion, it’s been one of the first times pyramid studs have been spotted on a celebrity since, like, ever.


Pyramid studs have typically been seen as a punk fashion statement. Ever since punk appeared in the ‘70s, studs on leather have been a part of the look accompanying loud and haphazard music by the Ramones and the Sex Pistols. But punk, both music and fashion-wise, has always had a DIY aesthetic: Learn to play the guitar and put those studs in your leather jacket yourself. Now, as the look appears on celebrities around Hollywood, the punk style has essentially gone high-end and, well, corporate, which is something an indie scene never wants to be.

But those blog, generally, has labeled studs part of a western look. Studs are part of western fashion, especially the handbags, jewelry, hats, and belts sold through western accessory retailers like Best Handbag Wholesale. If you can’t tell the difference between what looks somewhat western and what looks like mainstream punk, don’t worry. In general, rounded studs arranged orderly on a handbag give off more of a western vibe, especially when paired with leather fringe, while pyramid studs are distinctly punk.