Usually a good clutch would add a touch of sophistication and elegance to even your simplest evening dress. Take this Lauren merkin lucy clutch bag as an example. It would brighten up you light colored evening outfits and bring you into the spotlight center. Holding this olive colored handy leather clutch in hand, you would become the most glamorous fashion queen of the evening party. Why not grasp your chance of an amazing experience? This lui vittonLauren merkin clutch exists in as many as 12 different colors or materials. Therefore I bet that you would be able to find a most suitable one. Personally I prefer the olive leather bag with overall gold tone brass studs application. The color is uniquely fresh and vivid and it echoes well with the gold light shimmering of the brass stud. This fashion clutch by Lauren merkin is even compared to a modern woman with traditional charm.
louis bagWith this designer clutch lucy in hand, you will always attend even the finest affair accessorized like a true lady. The bag is really handy and functional for evening occasion carrying. It measures 10.5 inches wide and 5.5 inches tall. Therefore, it is spacious enough to pack up your evening accessories such like keys, cell phone and make-ups. This New York City made clutch features signature striped shimmer lining and hinged interior frame. How do you like this leather clutch bag by Lauren merkin? It is available at a price of $ 295.00.
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