This python handbag was worn by Carrie Bradshaw in the recent Sex and The City movie.
Python is a handbag trend that doesn’t really seem to die. Instead, fashionistas get various incarnations of it over time. First, they started out bold. As we saw last year, such a handbag was often made from the snake skin and dyed a bright color, such as purple or blue. Then, a few months ago, the trend became more restrained. Instead, the snakeskin body became white or black. And, now? It appears that brighter is still better.Megan Fox, the actress best known for the Transformerlouis vuitton wallets movies, appeared recently with such a python clutch at a premier for Jonah Hex. But, just as critics and moviegoers didn’t care much for Hex, no one really cares about Megan Fox or her passé handbag. A hot girl can only get by so much on her looks, and Fox’s lack of talent – her performance was described as being mannequin-like for Hex by nearly every critic — shows. Her fashion sense falls in the same line. The bright red J. Lo-plunging neckline dress looks like she swiped it off a Las Vegas hooker, and the bag simply looks like an afterthought.
loui vitonBut, if you’re looking for a more interesting fashion statement, the most recent Sex and the City movie is a better reference point than Megan Fox’s style. A recent contest puts the snakeskin Adriana Castro bag up for grabs, and the bag is traditional Carrie Bradshaw style: two-tone bold colors on a snakeskin coin purse body. This bag will be the center point for any outfit and, although SATC2 was reviewed as well as Jonah Hex, at least the style is something to aspire to.
If you’re looking for ways to be bold with this look, Best Handbag Wholesale offers various python handbags made from soft reptile material. The bag keeps the pattern of the skin intact but adds a few extra shades.