Handbag Trends Coming Soon


The fashion industry always seems to be ahead of the curve, anticipating and discovering new trends for the next season. So it would only be appropriate that we are in the middle of summer 2010 and the fashion elite are already deciding what kinds of handbags will be the hottest new thing in the fall and even the upcoming winter months. Here are a couple of lists to give you an idea of where handbag trends are going in the next few seasons:replica louis vuitton

replica louis vuitton• Large-oversized bags – Oh, man. It seems like the oversized is never going to go out of style. Year after year, handbags get bigger and bigger. This may not seem like anything new, but don’t be surprised if the bags get even larger in the next few months. Now Paris Hilton will be able to fit two of her dogs inside!

• Soft embellishments – 2009 saw the implementation of huge additions to handbags, like hoops, chains and other large items, but 2010 is being dominated by softer add-ons. These range from rouching (the gathering up of fabric to create a ruffled style) to pleating and weaving of exterior fabric to give handbags a lighter look in color and texture.

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louis v• Studs – As mentioned in a previous post, studs are making a comeback, courtesy of Lady Gaga, who loves to adorn her fashion accessories with little metal touches. You’ll see more and more of this in the fall and winter.

The hot colors for winter (reds and grays) have already been popping up this summer on the arms of some of the biggest celebrities and fashion icons in the world. Judging from this slow roll out, these colors and the aforementioned styles will begin to permeate the fashion world and the department store closest to you in the next 4 or 5 months. Get ready to hop on the newest trends in handbags!