Why The New Metamorphosis Design Ideas Make More Sense

As a warlock, the idea idea of turning yourself into a demon and gaining demonic powers just like your trusty minions seems like a dream come true. Unfortunately, the whole ability was not at all worth getting since it was too underwhelming for a very bottom of the tree talent. The nice thing about seeing talents like that in their beta stage is the fact that they are in no way final. Blizzard poster Ghostcrawler released some great ideas about Metamorphosis the design team are thinking about that would definitely lift the ability up to a status worthy of a real 51 point talent.

While this is not final and could absolutely change, here is what we're thinking about for the new design:

You keep your pet.

You keep your spells.

It buffs spell damage (for that "blow your cooldowns" feel).

It buffs mitigation (you could even tank for a bit).

It provides the current snare reduction for PvP.

You'll still get a few fun demon abilities, but you can just use your normal spells if you'd rather.

The most important thing about these changes for me is that you get to keep your pet. The whole Demonology tree is about you and your pet giving each other benefits. Aside from the occasional times when you use Demonic Sacrifice, Demonology is all about keeping your pet with you and the talents are all about exactly that. So the current design of metamorphosis doesn't make sense at all since the whole duration you're morphed all your other talents are worthless since your pet is not there.

The other problem I had with the very first version of the talent was that the cooldown was 5 mins. For a then underwhelming talent that was too long long especially for something that lasts just 45 seconds. The current 3 mins is much more sensible.

Being able to have your pet with you while having all your regular spells at your disposal and having increased spell damage, increased mitigation and snare reduction while morphed - that's what I'm talking about when it comes to a 51 point talent and i didn't even mention that you still get to have cool demon abilities. Now it feels like it's a celebration of what the Demonology tree is all about. I really hope these changes make it to live and I know a lot of warlocks who would be happy to see them too.