Perma Death Rune for DK's

This bug will allow you to permanently have a deathrune up (i.e it never turns back into a Blood rune, it will always %26#8216;recharge' back into a deathrune)

This is good because:

- A Death Rune can be used to power ANY type of ability

- You don't have to keep using blood strike to get deathrune

- You can use Icy Touch / Plague Strike 3 times in a row instead of 2 times

For this to work you need:

- To be a Death Knight

- Unholy Spec

- Have the %26#8216;Reaping' talent which turns Blood Runes into Death Runes for one time use.

How to do it:

1. Get 2 Death Runes available (you can do this by using Blood Strike twice)

2. Wait untill the runes are %26#8216;recharged' (so they ready to use)

3. Use Blood Strike, so it puts one of the death runes on CD

4. Use Icy Touch, so that now both Death Runes are recharging

5. Use Blood Tap

6. Now you should notice that ONE of the runes will be a PERMANENT Death Rune, nomatter what spell or attack you use it will ALWAYS %26#8216;recharge' as a Death Rune  and it will stay as a deathrune untill you change zone, die or log off

You will still have to wait for the death rune to recharge of course, but it just means you can spam icy touch 3 times.etc, and don't have to waste time using blood strike twice to get 2 death runes

by Xiandri