Glyph of Aspect of the Monkey

So last night I was in Zangarmarsh on my hunter and I have this as one of my glyphs for kiteing purposes if I get caught up somehow. Well I was swimming out to the Drain to investigate it and I had some fish start attacking so i popped my aspect of the monkey on just so I had the extra dodge.

Well at some point I had my glyph triggered and I was in the middle of chatting while I was running and had ended a message a tad bit early....I accidently hit Space jumped out of the water then was running on the water until the buff wore off. At first I was just thinking that it was a one time bug. So I went to the edge of water near some nagas and recreated this situation multiple times.

Basicly the expoit is if you have this Glyph and it procs you can run on water when you have the buff and I have been useing this all day in Zang to run back and forth across the lakes just keep a fish or something just in range so I can be lazy and not have to do the slow ass swimming.

This could be a possible working as intended but it doesnt mention any water walking in the tooltip for the item.If this is a Repost I am sorry and will swiftly remove this post if provided the proof.Hope it helps someone out there.

This first one is showing me get the buff.

 This one is showeing me have the Buff and haveing it refreshed twice.

by Voip