General Changes and Bug Fixes in Patch 1.0.2


Trolls will no longer knockdown players with their Overhand Slam ability.


Players will no longer erroneously receive the "Bolster" buff when entering the Destruction warcamp in the Chaos Wastes.


One of the things we’ve been hearing from players is that our Talisman making system was a bit more time-consuming than we wanted it to be. So, in an effort to make Talisman making more accessible to lower/mid-range crafters, our Items team changed Gold Essence (originally a product of Apothecary) to Gold Dust and added Gold Dust to crafting merchants to eliminate the need for a third crafter to level their skills. Unfortunately, this change was released slightly ahead of schedule and Gold Dust had no sell price. Rather than rollback everybody’s character, we decided to leave the change live. However, in order to avoid an impact on our economy, we have made it so that Gold Dust that had been purchased prior to server restart cannot be sold but it can still be used. This item can still be traded. So, since Gold Dust could previously be bought for no cost, well, you haven’t lost anything Players who previously had Gold Essence will notice that it has been converted to Gold Dust, which can be used in all recipes that previously required Gold Essence.

As a result of this change, Goldweed, which had previously been an ingredient used to create gold dust, has now been converted to a stabilizer for Apothecary. This is a boon to Cultivators, who could not previously create a stabilizer and it will help make tie Cultivation and Apothecary more tightly together.

Guild Recall Scrolls have been fixed so they can be purchased and used correctly by guild members of a Guild Rank 17 Guild. This fixes an issue where the scrolls were potentially being purchased ahead of time and could not be used until Guild Rank 17.

Addressed an issue which was causing the servers to crash.

We’ve corrected a bug that caused Balance Essence to not do as much damage as it should. 

Da Smell Don't Bother Me has had its effect overhauled. It now provides a slight Heal Over Time effect to the Squig Herder while he is inside the Squig Armor.

Git %26#8216;Em will now upgrade correctly.

The following abilities should now be useable in Squig Armor:

Don't Eat Me

Farty Squig

Squig Frenzy

Tastes Like Chicken

All of the Pet summons.

Trial By Pain can now be used while moving, and will not be able to be setbacked. Fixed an issue where graphics settings sometimes did not save properly.

The vast majority of wearable items can now be dyed. This includes cloaks. Head on over to a merchant and make with the dyeing!

Players can now purchase shattered and ruined equipment from Hedge Wizard Merchant NPCs to help in improving their crafting skills.

Capital Cities

Tome tactic trainers in the libraries of capital cities will once again offer training.

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