[Exploit] Stealth-Chute

it's kinda fun when you're assaulting 1k-Winter in a fast pace, you'll read why:

First of all, this is for all who are

- Engineer + Rogue

- Engineer + Druid (I guess it works too)

You'll need a Flexweave Underlay (Engineer Recipe) for your cloak for this little piece of fun...

What I do is:

- Fly to 1k Winter (when the battle is HOT HOT HOT)

- Wait for the dismount right above the castle

- Let the regular parachute fly you above the spot where you want to land

- Dismiss the regular buff

- A few seconds before the regular landing open your Engineer Parachute and right after that press your Stealth Button.

- It will result in a stealthed You+Parachute

- NOONE will see your parachute, it will stealth together with you.

Result: You land safely in the enemy base, noone saw you, go kill your enemy from within their base.

=%26gt; ADDITION: I just found that...you won't get unstealthed even if you take falldamage when the Parachute runs out of juice AND you're already stealthed on it!!

[This "trick" I found a few days ago and it's not stolen from any site - Feel free to share it]

For all you stupid "SHOW A SCREEN; ELSE IT DIDN'T HAPPENZZZ!!!1111!;!;$"

Here you go:


Now go and make profit out of it!

by Lifestream