How to duplicate the flag in WSG (have many people pick up the flag).
What you need
Warlock (you can do it multiple times, so more warlocks equals more flags!)
How it works
Have a warlock place a teleport circle on the highest platform (roof) in the enemy flag room. The warlock jumps down, grabs the flag, and teleports back up. It is tricky because you have to time it perfectly. If all went well, the flag will still remain in its holster in the base, but the warlock will also have a flag. Another runner can simply grab the flag from the holster and run it back.
When someone dies with one of the flags, the flag carrier name and icon at the top will be gone, but the other players who grabbed the flag can still turn theirs in.
Unfortunately, they can still cap when you have one of the bugged flags but, hey, so can you
If you have 2 locks, you can do this twice to have 3 flag runners.
NOTE: If 2-3 people run back with the flag, the first cap will be fine. The second capper will have to wait until you get the "flag is placed at the base" message before it allows him to cap, and the third capper will have to wait until that same message pops up again after the second capper turned it in.
That's it!
Enjoy the WSG weekend
by Xposed