CCP Takes Action In EVE Online

Seven corporations with multiple Starbases set up for the express purpose of exploiting the issue.  Three of those corporations were members of two alliances. CCP took immediate action against the offenders and banned over 70 accounts and destroyed all the Starbases run by the corporations in question.  All the offending corporations are now effectively inactive as a result of our actions.On December 7th 2008, a petition from a concerned player alerted a serious problem with Starbase reactors. The petition had been filed five days earlier, CCP found that there was indeed a problem and that it was being exploited to gain unfair advantages.

The corporations were producing high end materials for T2 production. Working with the Research %26amp; Statistics team CCP have established that the effects on the markets have been considerable and far reaching. The effects of our actions against the exploiters will also be felt on the market as the production of the materials has been cut substantially. However, supply should increase again once players have mastered the alchemy process.