warhammer Looky what I found!

I was browsing about the internet when I stumbled upon this page:


Someone has gathered some WFRP stuff up for grabs. Theres much material from the old BI site, and many fan sites. The downside is that you'll have to sign up to download them, so I haven't actually tested if the linkz work...

you can get the maps just by viewing the images


nice maps

I wonder if the creator of the site has the right to publish all of that material. And even if he has, I am a bit annoyed that there is no mention of the creators of it all. Not so worried about the LF (assuming that they are published in one piece); we did grant everyone the right to publish the complete issues on their site, and we made sure that the writers of the articles, and the other people who worked on the issues, were mentioned. But I see material by people like Dave Graffam, Andreas Blicher (the wonderful maps), Dave Allen, and others, without a mention of their name.

It pisses me off a bit that people spend a lot of time to create high quality fanwork, and then find their work getting distributed, possibly without their consent, and without them getting the credit for what they have done.

I must admit, there are several .pdfs on my hard-drive who unfortunately I have no idea who created them as they did not put there name on the .pdf itself.

(Having said that, at least one of them is full of copyright violations which probably explains the lack of attribution.)

Ah, this is the internet, guys.............. Get over it.

Nothing we can do about it.

Isn't this just a backup copy of stuff from BI's web site while FFG gets its act together? I don't see the fuss about making the errata available, perhaps I missed something?

What I think is Drakar's point is this: anyone that publishes stuff on the internet is incredibly naive if he honestly believes it won't spread around, beyond those sites the author has direct knowledge of.

1) Besides, it's not as if this uploader claims to be the author of those documents.

2) Besides, it's not as if these documents weren't free all along.

Being uploaded to various file sharing hubs is not something I would get mad about. Primarily because there is absolutely nothing you could do about it (even if you get scribd to take down the material, it will just pop up elsewhere).

Instead, be happy your stuff is available from yet another source! Really, the only constructive stance here is to be flattered your stuff is being copied about!

Not to mention that all current WFRP/DH material is available for download. Someone I know did just that, including Thousand Thrones, which as I understand it, was available 3 days after it was released.

One of the WFRP 'packages' (just short of gig) that he 'found' had all 4 of the LF's bundled in with it. I guess that could be seen as a form of flattery.

He 'found' this material in Denmark. Now I don't know if this is true, but I've been told by numerous people that all these 'free' books are available from European sites, particularly Denmark, because it's not illegal to post books in their entirety there.

If that's true, it's a shame.