Well sort of. Anyways, there is a quest in the upper east part of black crag that offers several 1hs and a shield that looks just like a 1hs as a reward. I believe it's for doing the chain from the Mork emmisary. (pretty simple questline). The shield isn't exactly great, but the look is awesome, walking around with 2 axes definitely looks cool.
It also looks like you slice with it in some moves.
Anyways, thought I would share this with those with the %26quot;Fashionable%26quot; title.
Like anyone didn't knew that already, ty for sharing though.
which weapon is it exactly? Goresaber?
We have become a nation of obnoxious smart asses. It's sad.
That person wasn't necessarily American.
As far as I'm aware, the shields that looks like swords cause the user to be unable to Block.
My friend tested this with the Wall shield, he changed to Precursor Blocka and could Block again.
Not all dun work, Consolidata's Chopstoppa werks, it'z a level 29 shield dat looks like a choppa and iz able to block.