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Based on Games Workshop's popular Warhammer fantasy world. Dominated by force of arms and

magic, this world provides a rich setting for hundreds of tho wow-gold-powerleveling.com ands of players to experience the epic

nature of war and the glory of battle.

Join one of six Armies and fight for the Armies of Order (Dwarf, High Elf and Empire) or

the Armies of Destruction (Greenskin, Dark Elf, or Chaos). Wage war across three unique battlefronts.

Next generation Realm vs. Realm game system integrating both PvP combat and PvE quests on the

same map in support of the greater war.

Engage in four levels of RvR combat:

- Skirmishes: Incidental PvP combat

- Battlefields: Objective-based battles in the game world

- Scenarios: Instanced, point-based battles balanced with NPC Dogs of War

- Campaigns: The invasion of enemy lands culminating in the assault on their capital city

Undertake a wide variety of PvE quest types related to an army's war efforts, including:

- Public quests that benefit from the participation of the entire army

- Conflict quests that pit players against an enemy with opposing goals

- Branching quests that let you choose the outcome of the quest and your reward

- Xmas quests that reward exploration with high value loot

Aust combat system introduces Player Tactics (earned powers you equip prior to battle) and

Morale Skills (combat options that increase in power when the momentum of battle is in your favor).

Player models that change to reflect the relative power of a character (i.e., Orcs grow in size and

Dwarfs' beards get longer). wow-gold-powerleveling.com Customizable armor and a visual guild system allow a player to make their

character truly unique.

Embark on an epic quest to complete the Tome of Knowledge and unlock Warhammer lore, detailed

monster information, and major story plotlines.

Online play requires a subscription and Internet connection.

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