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Below is the list of the questions that you unknow. The answers we all get from the blizzard, so find out if you still want to know.

Defense in WotLK

We think defense was a little too easy to get in BC. Most tanks (warriors anyway) walked in Karazhan almost uncrittable in just heroic and quest reward gear. Those +defense gems might have well not existed. It just felt like defense ought to take a little bit of effort to max out (using the crit barrier as the limit -- I realize it continues paying dividends beyond that point). Wer'e not sure yet how far we want to push it in the opposite direction though. It could be that the current numbers are too punitive and tanks will explode to Mr. Anub'arak.

Death Knight's ghoul too OP?

The ghoul does too much damage. He gets, IIRC, 100% of the master's Strength, which is very generous when most pets scale at 30% or so of the master.

Beyond that specific issue, pet classes are a huge design challenge. When the pet does 30-40% of your damage, and dies, you lose a chunk of damage that isn't comparable to any other dps loss by a class in the game. The alternatives aren't very appealing either -- the brick that can't be killed and does no damage, or the frail being that dishes out massive damage before collapsing when looked at. It's even worse when %26quot;pet%26quot; is a spec, as it is for locks and hunters, because then either the pet is disposable for the other specs, or it's OP for the pet spec.

I can't offer any great insight into how we're going to tackle the problem, but it does keep me up at night sometimes.

With all these tabbards available, will we be getting something like a keyring for them too?

We don't have any immediate plans for a Tabard UI but something to consider is that the Tabard vendor in Dalaran sells most of the tabards for very cheap. There really is no reason to hang on to them unless you're wearing them. Also, the Tabard vendor there will replace certain quest Tabards (such as the Tabard of the Illidari) if you destroy it.

When will Druids see their forms upgraded?

You absolutely deserve new skins and we want to do it right, and we want to do it soon. I don't want to promise any more specifics than that until we see what problems arise when LK ships and what we need to fix. In our opinions, Raven Lord and epic flight form set the bar.

Is the expansion being rushed?

It's not being rushed. BC was in a similar state at this period. We just didn't announce it so early, and the design churn was probably not quite as visible.

Could we please have Mallet of Zul'Farrak and Goblin Transponder put in our Key Ring?

We have plans for these items (and getting them out of your bags). Unfortunately, we won't be able to get to it in time for Wrath of the Lich King, but we do want to eventually address how these work.

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