Use Your Hearthstone to Get to All Your Faction's Cities

Free Teleports to Major Cities

Let%26#8217;s face it, if time is gold then travelling in World of Warcraft is one of the most expensive endeavors in the game. Having free, mage-like teleports to all of your faction%26#8217;s major cities could potentially cut your travel time significantly, especially if you are like me and tend to jump around Azeroth a lot.

In in the center of Shattrath City (Wowhead | WowWiki) at the Terrace of Light, there are free portals to every major city in WoW (only your own faction%26#8217;s portals are accessible to you). Have a level 70 mage teleport you there or have a level 70 warlock summon you, then make your way to the inn at either the Scryer%26#8217;s Tier or Aldor Rise and attune your hearthstone to it. The Aldor Rise is the closest to the Terrace of Light, located up the large elevator.

Voila - you now have a way to teleport to each of your faction%26#8217;s cities for free. That is, by hearthing to the inn and making the short run to your desired portal. You can also watch the level 70s shake their heads when they see a level 11 run past them in Shattrath, lol.

When you use this trick in conjunction with a guide like Derek%26#8217;s Warcraft Riches, you will find your gold earning shoot through the roof. Derek is so sure he can teach you how to earn up to 200 gold per hour he offers a money-back guarantee.