Paladin Leveling Guide Blizzard entertainment Warcraft

Paladin Info %26amp; General Guide

As you probably know, the Paladin is an Alliance-only class. As a human or dwarf, you have the option to be a Paladin. At first, the Paladin can seem as a warrior, but with healing. That's pretty far from the truth, as the Warrior is a tank and pretty good damage dealer in solo if specced right, while the Paladin is far more a hybrid.
Although the Paladin isn't best at any one thing, it's a great hybrid (and second best at taking a lot of damage [can use plate and shield]).
As a Paladin and hybrid, you can't fight, and you kill slowly, but you can make yourself invulnerable, stun, heal yourself and others, prevent enemies from fleeing, making them replenish your hp and mana (:O) and a lot more.
So, when soloing, you will be almost invulnerable.
That sounds tempting and overpowered, but considering the perhaps lowest dps in the game, it sure evens out (Paladins get low xp-rates as they kill slowly).

How to Play a Paladin
When soloing, we suggest using a two-handed weapon with nice damage output and heal yourself when necessary. Try to choose the right seals, judgments and buffs (Paladins have most buffs in the game).
While we're on the subject of buffs: everyone wants them. When soloing, use Blessing of Might or Blessing of Kings (if protection specced). These will help your damage output. Casters will always want Blessing of Salvation or Wisdom (More mana or less aggro) I always give the priest Salvation, as a healer wipe means a party wipe. Rouges should have Blessing of Might and the tank should have Blessing of Kings or Blessing of Might (preferably Blessing of Kings).

Paladins also have some interesting auras. Use the armor one, if there are a lot of pally's, and try to use the concentration aura as well.
As for seals and judgments, in instances the Judgment of Justice (no fleeing) is a must. You can have it on many mobs at a time, and it usually lasts the whole fight, meaning no fleeing and adds at all!
We usually use anti-flee. If you are fighting non-fleeing enemies, use the Judgment of the Crusader to increase your SoC damage.
We usually use the Seal of Command, at about 15% of your hits, you almost get double damage To get it, you'll need the Retribution talent tree, which you should have some points in anyway until higher lvls. If you get low on mana, use seal of wisdom, which gives you a fast mana regen rate when in combat. The Seal of the Crusader (increased attack speed) is only good when fighting casters, mostly in PvP. The Seal of Righteousness gives some extra holy damage, but we never use it. It CAN be good for offtanking though, as you get more aggro combined with Righteous Fury.

The Paladin talent tree is divided into Holy, Protection and Retribution talent trees. The holy tree is mostly used by high lvl players, as you'll want to max damage with the retribution tree when leveling. The holy tree gives extra int and str (which are recommended), better healing, less mana output and the only ranged attack The negative is that you lose the damage output or extra defense from the other trees.

The Protection tree makes the Paladin a better tank, giving better shield skills, better aggro gaining and such. You can build this tree up to Blessing of Kings, which is arguably the most useful buff you have. (Depends on where you use it: Healers and casters shouldn't have it on, as mana and reduced aggro is more important.) When getting the BoK, you can improve shield skills (only if you want to offtank alot) or get 10% more amour, who applies when you use 2h too.

The Retribution tree is bent on maxing your damage output. You get the Seal of Command, who ROCKS when soloing You also get 5% more crits in melee, 6% more 2h damage, 8% faster running and riding, better BoM, Repentence (stunning for 8sec) and such. This is the tree we recommend if you want to solo and lvl fast. Respec later if you want to.
You don't always have to max out trees, if you like a decent mix. BoK is good everywhere, so is extra armour. The SoC is a must for soloers, and so is the danmage. The int and str increase is sure nice from the Holy ree. When lvl 60, think about respeccing to a pure holy pala or something, depending on your play style. (Holy is probably what you are needed for by your guild, and OFC Blessing of Kings)

In PvP, Paladins are usually underestimated.
As a Paladin, you wont nuke em dead in 2 seconds, but you wont be nuked dead in 2 seconds by others either. What you have to be careful of is hunters that use concussive shot and mages that freeze and chill you. This is dangerous, as you can't shoot! Always use a 2h weapon in PvP, and with the shields and heals, Paladins are one of the classes that lasts longest in PvP. As a Paladin, we have managed to kill 3 equal lvled players ALONE in PvP by killing one, stunning, healing, shield, heal, kill, and so on. Try, you'll at least not waste too much time dying

In Instances:
In instances, Paladins should not be tanks (You don't keep aggro well)
And not heal until high lvls, as a Paladin who wants to lvl wont have holy talents (at least not very many). In addition, a normal Paladin below lvl 60 usually wont have all too high int. meaning low mana.
What IS good about the Paladin in instances is the very diverse and powerful buffs and auras, and the fact that you are a hybrid, as mentioned earlier. If the tank loses aggro of a mob or a patrol comes from behind: no problem! The casters are safe, as a plate-wearing part-time tank can hold em off until the warrior gets em! The Paladin can heal long enough for the healer to get some more mana (hopefully) And if your healing aggros the mobs? Invulnerable bubble Blessing of Salvation Plate amour There are many good ways to solve it With this, Paladins are very useful, even if they aren't damage dealers, super tanks or superhealers. As long as you dont think you are any of them, you`ll be fine. When not needed, just slam your 2h weapon in the side of some mob until the healer or tank can't manage their role. That is the time when people finds that Paladins aren't so useless as they thought just because they are hybrids.