Kinds Of Traps-Freezing Shot

Freezing Shot
Freezing Shot's dos and don'ts probably look about the same as Freezing Trap's. The trap it spawns still has an arming time, so you have to aim it where your target will be rather than where it is. In addition, the shot itself is a noticeable trail of frost in the air, so you'll have a hard time using it to trap PvPers. If they're watching for your kneeling, they'll be watching for the blue trail. You can see one Hunter's adventures with the shot in this video.

Of course, the shot may receive some more tweaks before Beta's over, so we'll keep an eye on it for sure.

There are Immolation Trap and Explosive Trap, if you are interesting, we will post it as soon as possible. Our services are here to help new or casual players level up quickly and efficiently. Our power leveling services will get your character to your desired level, with gold and equipment if you desire for easily affordable prices. At our highly trained staff are available on all US and Euro servers, waiting to serve your World of Warcraft needs. Be it farming for wow gold, power leveling characters, grinding faction or honor points, contact us at today and speak to one of our representatives, buy wow fast power leveling from us. You won't be disappointed!

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