Make 400+ gold in a few minutes as a Jewelcrafter
UPDATE: This has been nerfed! Now this design is BoP - oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
With Patch 2.3 Blizzard gave WoW a lot of love. Between the XP boost and Dustwallow Marsh (Wowhead | WowWiki) getting a whole new town full of goblin quests, it%26#8217;s been a great update to the game. Also released in Patch 2.3 was the awesome blue gem Chaotic Skyfire Diamond. Meant to help casting classes pwn, it adds +12 Spell Critical as well as 3% increased Critical Damage.

So how do you get this really, really good (for casters) gem? From a Jewelcrafter of course! And Jewelcrafters get this gem from learning the recipe of the same name (Wowhead | WowEcon).
The first thing you will probably notice is that WowEcon puts the general Alliance value for this design at 450 gold! That%26#8217;s right people pay A LOT for this design, and why not? It makes a super-great item. Also, only characters with the jewelcrafting profession can even see this design to loot it in the first place. So, unless you are a jewelcrafter you won%26#8217;t be able to farm this item.
So where is the trick? Why the urgent tone at the beginning of this tip? Well, when Blizzard released this into the wilds with Patch 2.3 they neglected to make it Bind-on-Pickup (BoP). That means as a Jewelcrafter you can farm as many of these as you want and make a killing at the auction house. Again: you can farm these suckers for DAYS.
This recipe is not especially rare, and only drops from one type of mob, the level 68-69 Coilskar Siren with a 0.3% drop rate. Not a great drop rate, but pretty easy considering you only need to focus on one specific mob. Coilskar Sirens are only found in Shadowmoon Valley (Wowhead | WowWiki).
So Jewelcrafters, get out there and farm these quick! As word gets around, the price will likely fall (though I doubt it will fall THAT far) and before too long Blizzard will almost assuredly flip the switch and make these BoP. So make sure to get your cut of the gold before the nerf-hammer falls.
If you are still new to the game and need some help learning the ins and outs of the Auction House, or even if you are a veteran auctioneer and want to learn some really cunning tricks to maximize your profit margin, I recommend getting Derek%26#8217;s Guide to Warcraft Riches. He has packed an incredible amount of strategic information into his gold guide and offers lifetime updates for free. Totally worth it.