Manipulating the Neutral Auction Houses on PVE realms

It seems like most WoW players rarely use the faction-neutral Goblin auction houses, perhaps largely because the high fees associated with selling items and that most items are available in each faction%26#8217;s auction house. Why bother?
Many players on Regular and RP servers know what the purpose of the Goblin auction houses are, however - transferring gold and items to your cross-faction characters. Because you are allowed to have both Horde and Alliance characters on non-PVP realms, it%26#8217;s an easy way to deck out your new toon when if you decide to roll an alt that doesn%26#8217;t share your main%26#8217;s faction.
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First Posted on: March 19th, 2008 by Fortuente 8 Comments %26#187;
Tags: Auction House | Shady Deals