These first half Affliction tree skills tell you all about the boosts you can give your curses and drains. On the affliction side of the talent tree the Warlock has better DoT abilities with curses and drains. Damage over time spells are great for those that tend to flee you so that they keep slowly dying even if you aren't right there hacking away at them.
Improved Curse of Weakness %26ndash; Requires five skill points in Affliction tree, it has two ranks, and it will increase the effectiveness of your curse of weakness. Rank one increases it 10%, Rank two increases it 20%.
Suppression %26ndash; No requirements, has five ranks, and it will reduce your chance for enemies to resist your affliction spells. Rank one reduces 2%, Rank two reduces 4%, Rank three reduces 5%, Rank for reduces 8%, and Rank five reduces 10%.
Amplify Curse %26ndash; Requires ten skill points in Affliction tree, it has one rank. Rank one will increase the effect of your next Curse of Agony or Curse of Doom by 50% or your next Curse of Exhaustion by 20%. This will last for half a minute and there is a three minute cooldown.
Grim Reach %26ndash; Requires fifteen points in Affliction and has two ranks that will increase the range of your affliction spells. Rank one will increase it 10% farther and Rank two will increase it 20% farther.
Improved Corruption %26ndash; No requirements, has five ranks, and it will reduce the casting time of the Corruption spell by time. Rank one reduces 0.4 seconds, Rank two reduces 0.8 seconds, Rank three reduces 1.2 seconds, Rank four reduces 1.6 seconds, and Rank five reduces 2.0 seconds.
Improved Drain Soul %26ndash; Requires five skill points in Affliction tree, it has two ranks, and it will return a percentage of your maximum mana if your target is killed by you will you drain its soul. Also it will make your affliction spells general less thread. Rank one will return 7% mana and reduce 5% threat while Rank two will return 15% mana and reduce 10% threat.
Improved Life Tap %26ndash; Requires five skill points in Affliction tree, it has two ranks, and it will increase the mana awarded by Life Tap spell. Rank one will increase 10% and Rank two will increase 20%.
Soul Siphon %26ndash; Requires five skill points in Affliction tree, it has two ranks, and it will increase the amount drained by Drain life by an additional amount for each affliction effect on your target, up to a maximum effect. Rank one will increase it by 2% up to a max of 24% while Rank two will increase it 4% up to a max of 60%.
Fel Concentration %26ndash; Requires ten skill points in Affliction, it has five ranks, and it will give you a chance to avoid interruption from damage while channeling drain life, drain soul, or drain mana. Rank one will give a 14% chance, Rank two will give a 28% chance, Rank three will give a 42% chance, Rank four will give a 56% chance, and Rank five will give a 70% chance.
Improved Curse of Agony %26ndash; Requires ten skill points in Affliction, it has two ranks, and it will increase the damage done by Curse of Agony. Rank one will increase it 5% and Rank two will increase it 10%.
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Previous: Affliction Warrior Talents (Part 2)