Always save food for your pet

Pet Food
Always save food for your pet. You can see what types of food your pet eats by trying various foods, checking in your pet menu (hit C then select the Pet tab), or by checking in the Stable. Beast Lore can be cast on animals to see what types of food they prefer. You can also ask guild members and friends to save food for your pet and mail it to you! Awww how cute...

Pet Size
Pets scale to appropriate sizes. If you tame a pet, it will likely be smaller than the "monster" version. This was done because certain pets were very messy to play/group with at their default sizes.

Pet Customization
Passive abilities that are available include increased armor, stamina, Fire resistance, Frost resistance, Nature resistance, Shadow resistance, and Arcane resistance.

Pet Untrain
Hunter pets can be untrained of all their skills from any beast trainer in the major cities. Similar to talents, untraining a specific pet scales up as you do it more times: 10 silver, 50 silver, 1 gold, 2 gold, 3 gold, etc., eventually stopping at 10 gold.

Pet Experience
Hunter pets gain experience based on the level difference between the hunters, the pets and their target. Keep in mind that the Hunter must kill creatures from which he/she will gain experience.

You can house your pets at the Stables. Stables are located near Inns and Mailboxes. You can buy additional slots to contain more pets. If you want to switch pets and still keep both, do so at the Stables.

Pet Abilities

Beast Taming - Lets the hunter tame different pets.
Call Pet - Summons your pet to you.
Beast Training - Lets the Hunter train its pet with various abilities that it has learned. This opens up a menu where you can check out all of the pet abilities you've collected. Collect more pet abilities by taming different pets. You can then teach them to other pets.
Dismiss Pet - Dismisses your pet. Dismissing your pet will reduce its happiness by X.
Revive Pet - Revive your pet, returning it to life with X% of its base health.
Mend Pet - Heals your pet for X health over Y sec.
Pet Tips

If your pet is about to become very mad and you don't have food for him, put him in the stable until he cools off.
You can tame many special/cool animals out there. Go find them!
Pet Training

You can take the abilities you have learned from some pets and train them to other pets. The idea is that you have a main pet and other pets you use to gain abilities. You teach these new abilities to your main pet until you have what you want.
Other Pet Information

Base pet speed is standardized for all pets, including legacy pets.
All hunter pets will always deal Physical damage for their base attack.

World of Warcraft Gold Guides You Need It

World of Warcraft gold is the most valuable form of currency in World of Warcraft. and a limited resource that is hard to come by even though world of warcarft gold can be earned various ways.

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Top 5 things required to make a good WOW Gold Guide: WOW Gold Guides reviews

Top 5 things required to make a good WOW Gold Guide: WOW Gold Guides reviews.

When talking about WOW Gold Guides a lot of people tend to confuse them with the "free online gold guides". Those free guides were written by WOW gamers, and posted mainly on WOW forums and WOW personal web pages.

While there's anything "wrong" with them, and as much as we encourage any effort of players helping each other, those amateur products should not be compared with paid WOW gold guides, and should not dictate the standards upon we should judge products that are bought with good money.

That's why it is essential to look for certain things in a paid WOW Gold guide, to make the Gold Guide good and worth the money spent.

1. WOW Gold making potential of 250+ Gold/ Hour.

There are quite a few heavy competitors of the field at the moment. The basic standard of a WOW Gold guide should be around that amount of Gold/ Hour. Anything less would be outdated.

2. Updated with Outland, and covering a lot of Gold Making Methods.

While this may sound obvious, as Wrath of The Lich King is practically around the corner, it isn't. You'd be surprised how many WOW Gold Guides still have info relating to level 60 grinds that no longer hold ground, because that Items you would try to sell are today wanted by no one.

How come those guides are still mentioning those Tips in their guides today? Could be either laziness, or bad editing. Either way, these guides are highly dangerous to new players unable to distinct between new or old game content.

In addition, not all players like to do the same thing in WOW, there for the Gold Guide should offer many different alternatives to making this Gold: Farming, Auction House play, Daily Quests etc.

3. Proof of Success

The Gold Guides Offer should include some kind of proof of their own success in making money, like the very recommended Warcraft Millionaire Gold guide offer page (A guide which excelled in all the criteria mentioned in this article).

The proof should be a Video captured one, and not stills, since still images can be manipulated with graphic programs easily, plus a video capture can prove the writer of the guide actually managed to make the Gold on a regular server, and not a private one.

4. Good Reading Experience.

This criteria is neglected by a lot of guides. WOW Gold guides are just as a reading and instructing material as any other Professional Guide out there. The explanations should be fluent, easy to read, simple, and be accompanied by rich pictures and screen shots to help explain what you need to do, when and how you should do it. Not many guides attend to this at all, and some are just one, big, long "Wall of text" that is just too over-whelming for gamers to us properly, especially the new ones.

5. Pricing.

Last criteria should be the price. Since good WOW Gold guides were written by professionals who do this for living, the product is very high quality, and therefore costs money. However, the pricing should be reasonable, and not be hundreds of dollars.

The issues above should be attended by all WOW Gold Guide. After checking out several top leading WOW Gold Guides we have found Warcraft Millionaire guide the most recommended.

BlizzCon Dungeons and Raids Panel

The Dungeons & Raids Panel was a great panel to sit in on. From the insight Jeff Kaplan gave on the core design of a dungeon to the details Scott Mercer provided on encounter design, to some hot new info on upcoming dungeons and UI features to support raids.

A quick recap:

A new raid dungeon harder than Black Temple will be added before the expansion. Expect this to be the Sunwell Plateau with the final boss being Kil'Jaeden.
Blizzard would like to add another 5-person dungeon before the expansion.
Level cap of original WoW was first going to be 70, with Northrend and Outland included, but Blizzard realized their ambitions were bigger than both their budget and time allowed.
There will be one less max-level 5-person instance in WotLK compared to TBC because Jeff Kaplan feels that Heroics greatly supliment the need for an abundance of max-level dungeons.
Blizzard wants to do more 10-person instances in the future.
Blizzard wants to re-introduce Naxxramas in Northrend as a molten core level dungeon so more players can experience one of the best raid dungeons created.
"A lot more" Heroic badge rewards, better than current rewards, will be added with the Zul'Aman patch to help off-spec classes out with itemization gaps.
Jeff Kaplan would like to see the new Siege Weapons and Destroyable Buildings added to PvE content as well, but it's not something 100% yet.
Major UI Additions

Blizzard wants to add all of the following to the base UI:

Built-in itemrack-like system that allows you to swap gear sets quickly. One thing Blizzard will be able to offer that addons can't is real storage space for resist gear with this system.
Built-in threat meter for players so that managing threat is a bit easier.
Built-in Deadly Boss Mods-style boss warning system to allow better warnings for crucial situations.

Alliance Experience Newsletter Part I

Don't know where to quest at your level? Don't know where to grind at your level? Don't worry no more. The Experience Newsletter is something Ruishimo has started up to help people with their troubles in knowing the world. There will be 6 Alliance Newsletters, then 6 Horde Newsletters. This is Alliance Part I, and here we will discuss leveling from 1-10.

I- Starting Off
II- Trade Skill
IV- Weapons and Armor
V- Run Through
VI- Quick Overall

I- Starting Off

Now, depending on which Alliance Race you choose, will depend on where you will go to xp. By level 10 all 4 races will all be in the same place. So, lets begin-

--Dwarves and Gnomes--
If you choose to be a Dwarf or a Gnome, you will start in a noob area near Ironforge. Firstly, speed level up to 6. This means do all of the quests, which will get you to level 5 or so. Then grind in the Troll cave until level 6. Once level 6, make your way to Kherranos.
Once in Kherranos complete the quests there, you may need to group at time but you need to complete all of your quests. Make sure you are picking up your skills every even level. Stay in Kherranos until level 9, once level 9 head to Ironforge.
Take the Deeprun Tram to Stormwind, and run down to Goldshire. Begin to complete all of the Human quests there, untill level 10 or so. Once you are level 10 head over to Westfall.

If you choose to be a Human, you will start in a noob area near Stormwind. Firstly, speed level up to 6. This means do all of the quests, which will get you to level 5 or so. Then grind in the Kobold cave until level 6. Once level 6, make your way to Goldshire.
Once in Goldshire complete the quests there, you may need to group at time but you need to complete all of your quests. Make sure you are picking up your skills every even level. Stay in Goldshire until level 9, once level 9 head to Stormwind.
Take the Deeprun Tram to Ironforge, and run down to Kherranos. Begin to complete all of the Dwarf quests there, until level 10 or so. Once you are level 10 head over to Westfall.

--Night Elf--
If you choose to be a Nightelf, you will start in a noob area near Darnassas. Firstly, speed level up to 6. This means do all of the quests, which will get you to level 5 or so. Then grind in the Spider cave until level 6. Once level 6, make your way to Darnassas.
Once in Darnassas take the ship over to Menethil Harbor. Then begin to make your run up untill you reach Ironforge. Once in Ironforge run down to Kherranos.
Once in Kherranos complete the quests there, you may need to group at time but you need to complete all of your quests. Make sure you are picking up your skills every even level. Stay in Kherranos until level 9, once level 9 head to Ironforge.
Take the Deeprun Tram to Stormwind, and run down to Goldshire. Begin to complete all of the Human quests there, until level 10 or so. Once you are level 10 head over to Westfall.
II- Tradeskill

Now, every lowbie needs gold. The easiest way to make that gold is as soon as you hit level 5, take a run to your nearest city and pick up Mining and Skinning professions. Once you have them, return to you questing area. While you quest and grind, also Skin and Mine.
Here is how much you should sell the leather and copper you gather for:
20 Copper Bars - 45 silver bid, 55 silver buyout
10 Leather - 10 silver bid, 15 silver buyout

Beginner's Guide to Grouping

Etiquette Tips
When desiring to group with another person. It is considered polite to talk to them before sending a group invite.
Should your group happen upon a chest, supply crate, herb node, mining node ect. Ask before you loot. Most groups do /roll to find out who gets the item.
If you have a spell that will be benefical to the other players in your group, don't hesitate to use it! (AKA Buff your Group!)
When asking for anything from your group, mind your please and thank yous.
Should you need to go AFK, notify the group and add about how long you expect to be gone. Do not be AFK for longer than 5 minutes.
If you have to leave a group before a quest or dungeon is complete, try to find a replacement for yourself. Though not required, it is also polite and considerate to give a reason for your leaving.

Ideal Groups

This section will describe what key elements or classes a group should have if it's expected to succeed. There are always exceptions to this rule because there are many different combinations that will work with the many different classes in the game.
There are 3 essential people that a 5 man party needs for an instance.
Tank - You need someone who can take damage and hold aggro. Warriors, Druids and Paladins work well in this role.
Healer - You need someone who can keep up with healing the entire party. Priests, Druids, Shamans and Paladins can fill this role. If a druid is your main healer, be sure to bring someone else who can ressurect more than once every 20 minutes.
DPS - The rest of your group needs to be filled with damage dealing classes. Any class can fill this role with the proper specs.
10 Man
The larger the groups, the more diverse you can be depending on what classes you have. Be flexible but keep some basic 'must-haves' in mind.
Tank - In a 10 man group you need at least 1 tank, preferably 2. You need someone who can take damage and hold aggro. Warriors, Druids and Paladins work well as tanks.
Healer - Just like a tank, you need at least 2 healers. You need someone who can keep up with healing the entire party. Priests, Druids, Shamans and Paladins can fill this role. If a druid is your main healer, be sure to bring someone else who can ressurect more than once every 20 minutes.
Crowd Control - 10 Man dungeons tend to have larger groups to pull. You need to have some crowd control abilities. The type of CC needed will depend on the dungeon itself but the three most popular CC classes are mages, rogues, and hunters.
DPS - The rest of your group needs to be filled with damage dealing classes. Any class can fill this role with the proper specs.
20 Man
In 20+ Instances you can be flexible but you also have to have certain classes and even sometimes certain talent specializations for boss encounters.
Tank - In 20 man dungeons you need to be more particular about how many of each class you have. Depending on the raid instance, you will need 2-4 tanks which can be warriors, paladins or druids. For raiding you need tanks who are spec'd specifically for tanking.
Healer - Depending on the dungeon you need 2-5 healers. Ideally, all healers will be spec'd for raid healing. Priests, druids, shamans and paladins work well. Try to get a mix of healer classes because of different healing abilities will give you flexibility for boss encounters.
Crowd Control - Most 20 man instances do require 1-3 mages for sheeping. Saps and Hunters traps will work but are not a reliable way to control raid instance mobs who can easily one-shot most members of the raid.
Decursing and Curing - There are bosses in 20 man dungeons that just love to curse and poison and do all manner of debuffs that can wipe a group if they're not taken care of immediately. You need sufficient coverage in your classes to take care of mass decursing. Mages and druids for curses. Priests and paladins for disease and magic. Paladins and druids for poisons. Some bosses you have to designate 1-2 people to just stand there and decurse everyone during the whole fight.
Saviors - You must have someone who can save the group from a wipe. In some dungeons it's hard to get back to where you were unless someone managed to survive to rez others. This can be a hunter or rogue with engineering jumper cables(not very reliable), a Paladin with DI(1 hour cooldown, have a couple backup plans) or a Warlock with Soulstone(30 min cooldown, use wisely).
DPS - The rest of your group needs to be filled with damage dealing classes. Any class can fill this role with the proper specs.
25 Man
This # instance was added with the Burning Crusade Expansion. It is similar to 20 mans but the classes are more dependant on the raid instance itself.
Tank - In 25 man dungeons you need to be more particular about how many of each class you have, depending on the boss encounters. You will need 1-5 tanks, two of which will need to be spec'd for tanking. The others you can usually slide by with an off-spec tank. Warriors, druids and paladins will work well.
Healer - You will need 4-8 healers, depending on the instance. 4 of the healers need to be spec'd for healing. The rest, if not spec'd for healing, need to be partially heal spec or in very good healing gear. Priests, Druids, Paladins and Shamans will work well.
Crowd Control - Many 25 man dungeons do not require crowd control. Those that do require CC are easily covered by 1-2 mages.
Decursing and Curing - There are bosses in 25 man dungeons that just love to curse and poison and do all manner of debuffs that can wipe a group if they're not taken care of immediately. You need sufficient coverage in your classes to take care of mass decursing. Mages and druids for curses. Priests and paladins for disease and magic. Paladins and druids for poisons. Some bosses you have to designate 1-2 people to just stand there and decurse everyone during the whole fight.
Saviors - You must have someone who can save the group from a wipe. In some dungeons it's hard to get back to where you were unless someone managed to survive to rez others. This can be a hunter or rogue with engineering jumper cables(not very reliable), a Paladin with DI(1 hour cooldown, have a couple backup plans) or a Warlock with Soulstone(30 min cooldown, use wisely).
DPS - The rest of your group needs to be filled with damage dealing classes. Any class can fill this role with the proper specs.
40 Man
In 40+ Instances you can be flexible but you also have to have certain classes and even sometimes certain talent specializations. Basically you can take a 20 man group and double it. Or take the rules for a 5 man group and repeat it 8 times. There are also specific requirements for classes depending on what 40 man dungeon you are doing.
Tank - In 40 man dungeons you need at least 4 but preferably 5 or 6 tanks. You need at least 2 tanks who are spec'd for raid tanking, the rest you can get by with off-spec tanks. Warriors, Druids and Paladins will work and in some cases, Shamans and Pet-Tanks (hunters or warlocks using a pet to off-tank a mob).
Healer - You need at least 5 healers for a 40 man dungeon. You need 2-3 dedicated heal-spec healers for the tanks and the rest of the healers can be an off-spec. Priests, Druids, Paladins and Shamans work fine.
Crowd Control - 40 Man dungeons have interesting pulls and depending on the dungeon you may need a rogue for sapping, a mage for sheeping, a hunter for trapping/kiting or a warlock for banishing.
Decursing and Curing - There are bosses in 40 man dungeons that just love to curse and poison and do all manner of debuffs that can wipe a group if they're not taken care of immediately. You need sufficient coverage in your classes to take care of mass decursing. Mages and druids for curses. Priests and paladins for disease and magic. Paladins and druids for poisons. Some bosses you have to designate 1-2 people to just stand there and decurse everyone during the whole fight.
Saviors - You must have someone who can save the group from a wipe. In some dungeons it's hard to get back to where you were unless someone managed to survive to rez others. This can be a hunter or rogue with engineering jumper cables(not very reliable), a Paladin with DI(1 hour cooldown, have a couple backup plans) or a Warlock with Soulstone(30 min cooldown, use wisely).
DPS - The rest of your group needs to be filled with damage dealing classes. Any class can fill this role with the proper specs.

Class Roles

These are the general roles expected of classes as well as what talent trees mean for that class. Classes in the non-raiding environment can fulfill different roles even if they are not fully specialized for it. For example, a Paladin spec'd for DPS can, with good gear, heal well enough for 5 man instances. Or a druid who is spec'd for healing can, with good gear, tank some 5 man instances. It isn't until you get into 60+ content that roles and specs get more concrete for grouping.

Talent Specializations
Feral = Tank or DPS
Balance = DPS
Restoration = Healing
A hybrid class. A Druid can be a healer, dps or a tank. A druid's role in a group might never be set in concrete. If the priest dies, they may have to act as main healer. If the warrior dies, they may have to take over as main tank. In larger groups they could also be asked to fufill any number of roles.
Talent Specializations
Survival = DPS, CC and Survivability
Marksmanship = DPS
Beast Mastery= DPS
As a ranged DPS class you help dish out the damage and kill mobs quickly. The Hunter's biggest challenge in instances is their pet running off and dragging back more mobs than the group can handle. Keep your pet in passive mode and use the commands to tell them to attack specific things only. Keep an eye on the cloth wearers and use your pet to help keep aggro of them. Another useful skill for hunters in instances is their Trapping abilities for Crowd Control. Be sure to make use of it.
Talent Specializations
Frost = DPS
Fire = DPS
Arcane = DPS and Sustainability
You are DPS and crowd control. You help kill the mobs quickly but be careful not to pull aggro. Choose and use your spells wisely. A group generally will like to have water and food too so ask your group before you get started so you're not pausing to conjure in the middle of the dungeon. There are many instances where you will need to sheep a target. Make sure you keep an eye on the sheep so you can re-sheep it if necessary. Use your Frost Nova to help keep mobs away from your healers. You can also use sheep on unexpected adds. Be sure to tell the group which mob you are sheeping so they know not to attack it.

Talent Specializations
Protection = Tank
Retribution = DPS
Holy = Healing
Just a like a druid you are a hybrid class. Be prepared to jump in and takeover any number of roles in the group. You could find yourself healing if the priest dies, tanking if the warrior dies or DPS. Be sure to always use your seals and judgements and auras to help the group. In the middle of a wipe scenario, try to cast Divine Intervention on the priest or another person who can resurrect.

Talent Specializations
Shadow = DPS
Holy = Healing
Discipline = Sustainability
You are a support class. Most groups will expect you to heal. If you expect to DPS instead of heal, make sure the group knows that so they can find a healer. Be mindful of healing aggro, even from vampiric embrace.

Talent Specializations
Assassination = DPS
Combat = DPS
Subtlety = DPS
You are one of the few pure DPS classes. Pay attention to how much damage you're doing so you don't pull aggro. You're not a tank so be careful. Sometimes a group will ask you to sap, make sure you have the right target and be sure the group is ready before you do it.

Talent Specializations
Restoration = Healing
Enhancement = DPS and Tanking
Elemental = DPS
You are a hybrid class. Be prepared to jump in and takeover healing if the healer dies or tanking if the tank dies. Your specialities lie in your totems which will give buffs to the entire group. Learn the preferences for each class that is with you and provide totems accordingly.

Talent Specializations
Affliction = DPS
Demonology = DPS
Destruction = DPS
You are a DPS class. Your DOTS are very useful so make sure you always have them on a target. You can also save a group from a wipe by making sure the priest or another rezzer is always soulstoned. Like the hunter, you pet can undo the whole group if you don't have it in passive mode. Use it's commands to direct specific attacks against mobs. Your pet can also be used to keep mobs off the healers. Occasionally you may need to banish an elemental mob. In these cases, keep an eye on it so you can rebanish if necessary.

Talent Specializations
Protection = Tank
Arms = DPS
Fury = DPS
You are a tank or a DPS but most groups will assume you are a tank unless you inform them you intend to DPS. Use all your abilities to keep aggro off your healer and other weaker party members. Be careful of charging into battle because you may pull more mobs than the group can handle.

Loot Rules

This section shows examples of generally accepted looting rules. Be sure that you ask your group what the looting rules are going to be, just in case they are different from normal. It will avoid hostility and confusion later.
Roll Greed on any BoE Item
Roll Need on any BoE or BoP item that your current character can use, not your alts.
Roll Greed on any BoE crafting items such as gems.
Pass on any BoP Item if your character does not need it (See Rule #2)
If all party members pass on an item, type /roll or /random 100 to determine who gets the item
When coming across a non-mob loot item such as Crates or Herbs/Mines /roll or /random 100 to determine who gets to loot the item in question.


Add - This means your party has somehow pulled another unexpected mob.
Aggro - This refers to the attention of the mob or who the mob is attacking. If you've gained aggro, the mob is attacking you. If you loose aggro, the mob moved on to someone else.
AOE - A spell or ability that affects an area. For example, a mage can cast Blizzard or Arcane Explosion. A paladin can cast Concecration. A priest can cast Holy Nova. Warlocks can cast Rain of Fire. Generally AoE means to do damage to lots of mobs in a concentrated area.
Bio - Bathroom break. Another way of saying AFK
BoE - Bind on Equip, refering to an item that you may pick up and give or sell to anyone else. If you equip said item, it will become soulbound to you.
Body Pull - To pull a mob to the group by walking up to it. Accidently or intended.
BoP - Bind on Pickup, refering to an item that will become soulbound to you if you pick it up. Can also mean Blessing of Protection, a paladin spell.
Buff - A good spell that boosts an ability
CC - Crowd Control, when a group is looking for a CC, they are looking for a class that can crowd control targets. For example, mages can sheep, hunters can ice trap, rogues can sap, ect.
CS - Counterspell, generally this means someone is asking the mage to cast counterspell on a target.
DE - Disenchant, meaning to destroy an item to get enchanting materials from it. Groups sometimes do this to BoP items that no one can use then the group rolls for the materials the DE created.
Debuff - A bad spell that causes harm, reduces an ability or is just annoying
Decurse - To dispell, remove curse, cure poison, cure disease or otherwise remove unwanted debuffs
DI - Divine Intervention, a paladin ability to save a group from a wipe. This spell kills the paladin and puts the target in an immunity bubble for 3 minutes. Mobs will ignore the person.
DOT - A spell or ability that does Damage Over Time.
DPS - Damage Per Second. Reference to classes who are high damage dealing classes or the amount of damage a weapon does.
HOT - A spell or ability that Heals Over Time.
I'm red - Meaning all the player's equipment is broken and needs to be repaired.
I'm yellow - Meaning all the player's equipment is very close to being broken and needs to be repaired.
Kite - To gain the aggro of a mob and make it follow you, preferably without the mob doing damage to you.
MA* - Main Assist, the person whose job it is to decide what targets die first. All other party members should follow the MA's target so everyone is attacking the same thing.
MC - Usually means Molten Core but sometimes a it means Mind Control, a priest spell.
MT - Main Tank, the person whose job it is to take and hold aggro
Nuke - A powerful spell or combination of spells that do a lot of damage. Usually a term used to describe certain mage spells.
OOM - Out Of Mana, if the healer says this, it's bad.
OT - Off tank, the person whose job it is to take and hold aggro of another target that is not the MT's target.
Pat - Patrol, this is used to reference a mob that patrols around a certain area.
Rez - Resurrect, return a player to life.
RS or Rez Sick - When you resurrect at the Spirit Healer you are afflicted with resurrection sickness a debuff that lowers your stats by 75% for 10 minutes.
Shackle Pull - Priest version of a Sheep pull.
Sheep - A polymorphed target. Before 1.11 a mage's polymorph spell only turned a target into a sheep. After 1.11 mages can also cast other polymorph effects that can turn the target into different animals. The name 'sheep' sticks though. If someone is asking a mage to sheep, they are asking the mage to cast polymorph on the target.
Sheep Pull - Polymorph a target, therefore pulling the rest of the mobs to the group.
Sleep Pull - Druid version of a Sheep pull.
SS - Soulstone, a warlock ability to save a group from a wipe by storing the target's soul so they can resurrect after they die.
Wipe - When a group Wipes, it means the whole group died.
* With the introduction of raid icons in the Burning Crusade, most groups no longer use an MA but rather designate a kill order according to what icons are used on what mobs.

Raid Icons

These are a list of the Raid Icons and what they a usually used for. Exceptions may apply, be sure to ask your group for clarification as needed. A Versatile Icon means the icon can have several uses.
Skull - First Target to kill.
X - Second Target to kill.
Triangle - Versatile Icon. Target is usually Third Target to kill or ice trap.
Diamond - Versatile Icon. Target is Sheep, Sap, Banish, or otherwise CC.
Star - Versatile Icon. Target is usually Shackle or Sheep, Sap, Banish, or otherwise CC.
Circle - Versatile Icon. Target is Sheep, Sap, Banish, or otherwise CC.
Square - Versatile Icon. Target is usually an ice trap.
Moon- Versatile Icon. Target is usually a sheep or sleep.

Gold Guide: My way of making gold easy

Hey, Elbenzo here

Ok, I'm about to tell you how to make easy gold. Make a new character (I personally made a gnome mage) and get it to level 5, then teach it tailoring and enchanting. Get your tailoring skill to 30 (EASY!) and teach it to learn how to make a white linen robe. Now make lots of these and disenchant them all, then sell the products on the AH. Then as you're tailoring and enchanting go get some greens and disenchant them if you don't need them. Again, sell the products on the AH. I have personally made over 100g with this and my char is only level 10! My main currently is level 33 so I can get lots of greens for my alt to disenchant. If you have any problems message me in-game. My char is on the EUR realms and is on Anachronos. My two characters are called Bashmore and Goldengnome. Make a level 1 on the realm if you don't have one and message me.

TY Elbenzo

FREE World of Warcraft Guides

Hello and thank you for viewing my FREE GUIDES. I have made these guides free because of Blizzard not making any quality content to write guides for since January 2006. Instead I am now selling my 1-70 Alliance guide which is similar to Joana's horde guide. Please check it out. This is an extremely detailed guide which is the counterpart to go along with Joana/Mancow's Horde Guide and it will get you results. Please view the link to read all about it.

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World of Warcraft Guide free download

World of Warcraft GUIDEThis information sold on eBay asWoW World of Warcraft GUIDE - LEVEL 60 Unlimited GoldMake - Don't Buy - WoW - World of Warcraft Gold!!!World of Warcraft Guide, Gold Lvl 60 account WoWLVL 0-60 7 DAYS WoW World of Warcraft - ULTIMATE GUIDE!DetailsAs with many ebooks this content is simply a copy of the information from an existing website. In this case it is from. actual ebook being sold on eBay can be downloaded hereWOW_Guide.pdfAdvertHave you ever wondered how all those lvl 60's get all their stuff? Do you wish you had all their secrets?This guide has all the information you need, including how to level up as fast as possible, how to obtain a ton of gold quickly, and over 140 pages worth of techniques and strategies you need to know!* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *An unofficial guide to World Of Warcraft, including sections on Power Levelling from 0-60 in under a week, loads of easy gold making strategies, class & race guides, and a detailed section on macro making!BONUS!!: Excel spreadsheet detailing class and race starting attributes, and detailed maps of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Listed below are the main sections included in the comprehensive 140+ page guide:Auctions: learn how to dominate the auction houseBags: everything you need to know about bagsBanking: store your horde - never grub for pennies againBattlegrounds: master the terminology, rules, and tactics, rankings and rewardsClasses: an in-depth guide to each class - learn how to utilize them to their full potentialDamage Reduction: a useful graph showing damage reduction by armor and levelDeath: answer the big question - what happens when you die?Emotes: a complete list of every emote in the gameEvents: never miss a social occasion againExperience: includes a graph of the XP curve and a level tableGlossary of Terms: know your BFD from your BRD, your twink from your tankGold Guides: essential gold farming techniques & moreInstances: impress with your insider knowledgeItems: equipment rarity, types; quest, bound, player created, stacking, and set items.KeyBinds: complete guide of key bindsMacros: master the art of automation - create macros for practically anythingMail: keep in touchMaps: know where to go, when to go there, and how to get therePower Levelling: grind from 0-60 in under a weekPvP: get that vital edge for owning your opponentsQuests: improve your quest efficiencyRaces: a comprehensive section detailing every raceSlash Commands: hidden shortcuts and tricks to help improve your playTalents: on all things talentedTransportation: details each type of flying mount as well as many more pointersZone Levels: never travel an area too high for your character again

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft (commonly acronymed as WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). It is Blizzard Entertainment's fourth game set in the fantasy Warcraft universe, which was first introduced by Warcraft: Orcs & Humans in 1994.[3] World of Warcraft takes place within the world of Azeroth, four years after the events at the conclusion of Blizzard's previous release, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment announced World of Warcraft on September 2, 2001.[4] The game was released on November 23, 2004, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise. It is currently the world's largest MMORPG in terms of monthly subscribers,[5][6][7] and holds the Guinness World Record for the most popular MMORPG.[8] World of Warcraft currently holds 62% of the massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) market at 10 million subscribers; as of 2008, the current subscriber base for all MMOGs has been estimated at approximately 16 million.[9]

The first official expansion pack of the game, The Burning Crusade, was released on January 16, 2007. During the 2007 BlizzCon event, Blizzard announced a second expansion pack called Wrath of the Lich King on August 3, 2007.[10]

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Meet mforiero Rate it! Liked by 2 of 6
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1/10 about World of Warcraft - 17 Nov 2007
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WoWMine – A farming wow gold company

Apr 03, 2008 – is an American company responsible for the sales and marketing of WoW gold worldwide. It was founded in October 2005 by a team of professional WoW gold farmers who incorporated Super Continental Development Ltd. Hong Kong, the US and Canada. It’s possible that a pre-registered and ready-made offshore company was used for this setup, which also explains the offtopic company name. WoWMine openly admits that they employ their own farmers and then sell directly to customers. Ridding the middlemen, the company is able to provide more competitive prices. WoWMine is the first ever to record delivery ETA statistics from past transactions.

On, which ranks websites according to their estimated traffic, WoWMine achieves a rank of 52,413. Attracting more than 40% of US web traffic, WoWMine is doing very well in the US market. The company has received favorable reviews from various websites. gave it an excellent 4.3 out of 5 score and ranks the company first ahead of five other well known WoW gold sellers. Over 500 customers from endorsed the positive reputation of the company with overall satisfaction of 82%.


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wowmine is a web store for world of warcraft money,gold,power leveling and any other service.
wowmine is so professional.
They are a conglomerate team of professional Chinese WoW gamers (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia terms us "chinese farmer[s]" who are in the business of Real-Money Trading or RMT, a phenomenon that occurred with the birth of online-gaming, especially in the genre of MMORPG.) We had been inundated with requests to sell our gold to middlemen and agencies before we started our own direct selling website -- Led by a few gamers/entrepreneurs, we started this business on 18th Oct 2005 to streamline the sales of our hard-earned WoW gold to WoW gamers who are in it for the fun and play! Complaints - Do not deliver the paid WoW gold

WoWMine - User comments Avoid this company! I ordered and paid WoW gold for my ten year old son. web site give a promise of immediate delivery, but reality was far from that. After 5 days of waiting I send an email request for undelivered gold. I got a polite answer that they have some stock problems but they will notify me when they are ready to deliver. During next three weeks they delivered half of the ordered amount. After further complaints they guided me to their Live Chat "Service". After short session it was clear that they are not going to deliver the paid amount and it was also obvious that the process was business as usual for them. Now after six weeks from the order my son has only half of the gold - WoWMine service seems to have well planned practice to continue nonsense email exchange to get you tired and to accept some partial delivery which in practice means that they would deliver only about 60% of paid order. Save your money and time and do not make any business with them!


WoWMine is a relatively new player in the gold selling industry. It was founded in October 2005 by a team of professional Chinese WoW gold farmers who incorporated Super Continental Development Ltd. in Hong Kong, the US and Canada. It`s possible that a pre-registered and ready-made offshore company was used for this setup, which also explains the offtopic company name. WoWMine openly admits that they employ their own farmers and then sell directly to customers. Ridding the middlemen, the company is able to provide more competitive prices. WoWMine is the first ever to record delivery ETA statistics from past transactions.On, which ranks websites according to their estimated traffic, WoWMine achieves rank 80,971, far behind IGE`s 26,670. Regardless, it is doing very well in the US attracting more than 40% of its web traffic from there. The company has received favorable reviews from various websites. gave it an excellent 4.3 out of 5 score and ranks the company first ahead of five other well known sellers. Over 500 customers from endorsed the positive reputation of the company with overall satisfaction of 82%.Gordon Lam, the owner of also runs other domains such as,,,, Poster Kjkds from the forum suggested that Gordon Lam might own as well. According to the domain registration record, it belongs to Eric Lam who also owns a few other sites including and Both of them are also involved in another company called Monocle Training which sells training manuals network gamers. Given the same surname and joint participation in this smaller project, it is likely that they are related.Mmoinn has been reported as spamming in-game. Employees would whisper or send in-game mail to players with advertisements for mmoinn. This has caused a stir to groups of players., a website dedicated to stopping gold spam has recorded the company in the spammers list. Players speak of the company in a negative way - like Roddry on World of Warcraft Vault: There are dozens of other sites that sell WoW gold but none of them spam in game constantly like MMOINN. Bad reports spread fast: From the Horde Army forum to the Official World of Warcraft forum. One of the ways the company gets goal is buying from Chinese gold vendors or off players that wish to sell gold to them online. All you need is to establish a seller account with the website, you will be able to see how much gold and at what price the gold is being exchanged for real money. Not everyone has access to this option - especially Chinese gold farmers who can not communicate well in English as described by this independent vendor. This is where a middleman comes in, takes orders and buys gold from other Chinese farmers and then sells it with a 15-20% profit to Of course, then marks it up even further before selling it to the end user.As at June 19, 2007

‘World of Warcraft’ hits new high in China

SHANGHAI — “World of Warcraft” has hit a new high in China, with the massively multiplayer online game registering more than 1 million players online at one time, local distributor The9 said Monday.

The figure marks a 25% increase in peak concurrent users since the last time an official count was revealed — Oct. 4, 2007 — when 800,000 were said to be simultaneously, according to spokeswoman for The9.

At the end of 2007, there were 10.3 million total registered “Warcraft” users, she said.

Shanghai-based The9 also announced Monday that it has expanded its licensing agreement with Irvine, Calif.-based “Warcraft” developer Blizzard Entertainment, to include the “Wrath of the Lich King” expansion pack.

For fiscal year 2007, net revenue from online games and merchandise stood at $161.6 million, an increase of 21% from $134.0 million in 2006. The increase was a result of the continued growth of the “Warcraft” game, The9 said.

In the fourth quarter of 2007, revenue from “Warcraft” alone totaled $11.8 million, the company added.

The9 licenses “Warcraft” from Blizzard, which is not allowed to distribute in China directly.

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We started off with a clean machine with 56 running processes, after 10 minutes of running, we had ... 318 running processes. I tried to make a video of it, but the machine just couldn’t handle it. This file is a downloader for many things at once, one being a password stealer for various online games. We've added detections for the entire cluster of files downloaded from all the downloader’s we could get, so it would be worth a go trying to clean this up with Prevx CSI. I’d love to hear some feedback from anyone that’s had this infection. Some signs of this infection is constant popups asking you to install Chinese language packs, various Chinese websites popups, and your entire right click menu changing from English to Chinese.

The main goal of this Trojan however is based around stealing WoW accounts, let us know if you have any more info, or have been affected by this threat as it seems rather prevalent at the moment.

In the meantime I'll try and get some video footage up of this infection.