WoW Gold Making Guide

These are the actual methods I use to make gold in wow. I see too many people in my guild that complain about how they are always broke. Yet they still do very little to figure out how to make money in game. When in fact it is very simple to be rich. There is no get rich quick scheme but for not that much time per day you can make boat loads of money.

I know some of these methods have been posted before, the reson why I am making this guide is to do three things. 1) Show you gold making methods put together in one place, 2) Actual methods that work and are worth your time (too many methods that are posted here just are not worth your time), 3) Provide screenshots of how I do it.

First things first lets talk about some common sense things you can do to make money. Dailies! But the reason I bring this up is to show you the best place to do dailies. Every day I focus on Sons of Hordir dailies because these mobs drop more vendor trash than any other dailies area. Secondly most of the mobs drop Relics of Ulduar which a stack of 10 on my server sel for 25-35g. The other big reason which I am going to show in a bit is that there are three farming spots in Storm Peaks that I use so it cuts down on travel time. You can go straight to farming immediatly after doing your dailies. This helps maximize your profits.

The first method I use to make money is using my heroic emblems to buy scarlet rubys. If you’re like me and don’t have anything to spend your emblems on this is a perfect way to make quick cash. You can buy this at Cartier & Co. Fine Jewelery, in dalaran, from Harold Winston for 10 emblems. On my server these rubys sell for 65-80g.

My next method is buying weapons on the auction house and disenchanting them. Since I didn’t want to invest the cash to max out enchanting I only leveled it to 325 skill. By doing this it will allow me to disenchant level 50-60 greens. What I’m looking for is greater eternal essences to sell on the auction house. These essences are still very needed for those looking to level their enchanting. So what you will need to do is search the auction house for item level 51-55 weapons. These are the only greens that will give you a greater eternal essence. You are looking for items that sell for 12g or less. 3/4 of the time it will disenchant into 2 essences! On my server these essences sell for 13-24g. At the very minimum you are doubling your money but usually people put buyouts on these for 3-4g!

At the time I took this screenshot there was very few green weps on the AH. Usually there are around 4 green weps when I check that sell for under 12g. I’ve bought up to 10 in one day and resold 20 essences.

Now lets get to my farming spots, I have three spots in the storm peaks. 1) Snow Drift Plains 24,48. Place is swarming with Stormriders who drop crystallized air. They have a very good drop rate and there is rarely ever anyone in this area. So you shouldn’t have to worry about much pvp or competition. In 40 mins I can pull 10-12 eternals out of this area.

2) Fjorn’s Anvil, 76,62. Mobs are called Seething Revenants. Drop crystalized fire, relic of ulduar, greens, and a lot of vendor trash. In an hour I can pull around 5-6 eternal fires & 50-60 Relics. Downside is a lot of people farm here so there tends to be competition and pvp.

3) FrostFloe Deep, 62,41. A cave that is filled with mobs called wailing winds. This is my favorite spot. NO ONE farms this on my server. Only horde know about it because there is a quest giver in the cave. Other than that there is never any competition for me in this cave. The mobs have a super fast respawn rate and have what seems like double the drop rate for crystallized fires than Fjorn’s anvil. I can farm this for an hour and easily get 12-15 eternal fires.

Now when choosing whether or not to farm fire or air check the AH on an alt. I keep an AH whore camped at a main city so I can check prices. So which ever eternal is going for a better price, eternal fire or air farm that item. Currently fire is selling very well on my server for 28g. I’ve seen it as high as 38 recently so you can see how you can make a lot of money quickly.

These are the methods I use and I hope these will benefit you as well. I’m sitting just above 3k gold but I just blew 10k gold on my dk that just hit 80, mount, gear, professions, etc. With these methods there is NO reason why you can’t make money. I spend 1 to 2 hours per day making 600 to 1k gold.

by tekstorm

Make 1300g a day garenteed. Bit of work involved

this is not for the casual player imo.

This is what I am doing with a few friends as we all have school and don’t have the time to do it ourselves.

We have 2 accounts without lich king on it. They are on Recruit a Friend.
We leveled 3 level 70’s on one and 3 on the other. Then with the free levels we leveled 3 toons on one account to 30 and gave each 30 levels then got them to 70.

So we have 9 toons total. All level 70. On 2 accounts.

Now we do the old island dailys on each toon. It does not take very long because we have 2 on at once and have to do 3 separately. But we also get a level 80 on the island till kill everything we need etc.

This is about 150g per toon. You get give or take 100g-120g from quests. The greens, grays, cloth etc you pick up you can sell for more.

So at 150g per toon give or take you make 1300g a day! Now it is a fair amount of work thats why I’d recommend doing with a friend and find a nice way to split money.

What we are doing we are just spending all money one person in one go e.g. epic flyer then someone else gets etc.

Other tips I would make make a guild with a bank to put all things you get in it to save a bit of time.

It takes about 15 or so hours to level 60 if you run with Recruit a friend and run instances with a main. We use a hunter or death knight.
But remember you get 2 level 60’s out of that. and 30 free levels

And for one toon to get from 60-70 it takes about 25-30 hours. Also you can get a 80 to help with a lot of quests.

I hope this helps someone. Enjoy.


The reason you must not have lich is they will get XP from the quests. It will only reward 4g or so. Not worth it!

Also I forgot to mention this if you don’t want to have to do those 3 extra toons to do dailys 1 by 1 you can xfer to the other account so it has a partner to make it a bit quicker

P.S. Please no one say why not just do the new dailys in northrend.

I feel they take to long and don’t reward enough. Also this way I think is a lot quicker.

by pisoj1

2K+ Gold a Day as a Miner

This is a Guide for Those who are looking for a honest way to earn a fair bit of money without scamming, If you came here expecting this guide to be a “Super guide on how to get 20k+ gold a day” Your wrong, there is no such thing as free money in WoW or in Real life, and the sooner you kiddies realise that nothing is free in this world, the better.

Back to the Point, This is a short guide on how to maximise your Gold income from maxxed skill Mining.

Important! Since 3.1 the Cooldown On Mining Nodes Respawn has been set to 60 seconds, This does not mean you can stand in the same spot and mine every 60 seconds, because they respawn in a 100 Yard - 150 Yard range. So mining nodes should be alot easier to find now.

What you need:

450 Skill Mining
Epic Northrend Flying

Farm Guide for Great Feasts

The Great Feast is an extremely effective and helpful way to provide food buffs to your raid, second only to Fish Feast as far as raid food quality is concerned.

Also, if you are a skinner you’ll love getting the ingredients for this feast. I usually get between 60-100 Borean Leather each time I farm for 20 of these.

• You are level 80
• You have some form of AoE (this will only affect timing, not the mobs or locations)
• That you are farming for a full stack of feasts (i.e. 20 total feasts)
• You are Horde (it will definitely still work for Alliance but the flight paths taken, etc might be a bit different)

• Chunk o’ Mammoth x20
• Shoveltusk Flank x20
• Worm Meat x20
• Chilled Meat x40

Shoveltusk Flank

Starting from Dalaran, get on the flight plan to New Agamand. Once there, mount up and ride along the coast south of Westguard Keep (Alliance Town). Every 40-70 yards there will be 4-7 Shoveltusks.

The mobs you will be killing are:
• Shoveltusk Calf (lvl 63-68)
• Shoveltusk Stag (lvl 64-69)
• Shoveltusk (lvl 63-68)

They are very low level so you should have no trouble blowing through them. Expect to spend about 10 minutes killing to get 20 flanks. Once you have all the flanks, turn around and go back to the Westguard flight point. From there, take a bird to either Dun Niffelem or K3 for the Worm Meat.

Worm Meat

Make your way to the cave where you get the oil for the Helm quest at Hodir. There are a reasonable number of mobs here with a fairly consistent repop rate. This will take longer then the Shoveltusk or Mammoth, mostly because you are single killing targets a lot of the time. I would say 15-20 minutes depending on luck and whether others are farming.

• Ravenous Jormungar

At this point you have two options: You can either head outside of the cave and kill the roaming mammoths or (and this is what I do) you can hearth to Dalaran and get on the flight path to Borean Tundra.

Chunk o’ Mammoth

I choose to go to the Tundra for three reasons. First, there are tons of Mammoth there. Second, I can blow through 40 Mammoths in the time it would take me to kill 10 in Storm Peaks and wait on the repops. Third, I can kill until I get my mammoth meat, walking North as I kill and then I get dumped right in the Basin for the Chilled Meat. Saves time.

• Mammoth Calf
• Wooly Mammoth
• Wooly Mammoth Bull

20 Chunks o’ Mammoth should take about 5 minutes.

From here, walk right into the Basin and kill everything there. They all drop Chilled Meat and you’ll get your 40 needed extremely quickly.

And there it is, you have the ingredients needed to food buff your raid. It takes me about 35-45 minutes including travel time to get all of these ingredients. In addition, I make roughly 100g from leather (more if I get some Arctic Fur) and about 15g from greys. Well worth the time.

by Ryd3rX

Horde - Make some quick gold. (Selling a free quest item.)

This guide mainly works if you are trying to sell this pet to an Alliance Hunter. (May work for Horde Hunters, depending if they know about the quest.)

You may be able to sell this pet for 100+ gold. Since this is a rare idea, you make your own price depending on what you think is acceptable.

So let me get to what you’re actually selling. It’s a pet, a pet that is only obtainable by a quest summoning. This particular quest is only available to Horde, so alliance are willing to pay big for this pet. Pet shown here (Unique white lion): Petopia: Echeyakee

What you’ll need:

- Level 10 Horde character (Only needed to be made once, animal able to be re-summoned)
- Character must be on a PvE Realm, so you may advertise on Alliance about said pet, and have the ability to switch over and summon it for the buyer.
- The Quest itself. Starts in crossroads: Quest: Sergra Darkthorn - Thottbot: World of Warcraft The quest is a chain, the part that has the summon is listed here: Quest: Echeyakee - Thottbot: World of Warcraft

(Note: Once you summon the pet for the buyer, the summoning horn disappears. In order to redo this, just abandon the quest, and re-accept it from the quest giver located in Crossroads.)

Why this plan works:

Most alliance are too lazy to level a Horde character to level 10, and do the quest chain. When this pet is tamed, its level adapts to the hunter, being only a few levels behind.

(Note: This plan works best if you advertise it on a Hunter that has the actual pet.)

by hpbuttons

My gold making compilation (2000g+ a day)

I make gold using:
1) Herbalism
2) Inscription

————- 1. Herbalism ————–
For this you need to have and 450 herbalism, and epic flight mount or beeing a druid (best of all for herb farming).

I spend about 1-2hrs a day farming herbs. By that time i have about 20 Frost Lotuses and a lots of Icethorn and Lichbloom. After putting all this stuff to AH you will get about 1500-2000 gold (depending on server).

Best time to farm herbs is a night time or early morning. I’m using Gatherer (link) and Routes (Routes : WoWInterface Downloads : Map Mods, coords/compasses addons. I think u know what is Gatherer, so there is no need of describing it. Talking about Routes addon… this addon allow you to draw lines on the worldmap linking nodes together into an efficient farming route. Also this lines will be shown on the minimap. This lines really help u to beeing on the right route after some time of farming (helps not to loose your concentration).

This is how it looks:

This are the routes shown on my minimap (by the way, i recomend you to use some minimap addon that have feature to inscease it’s scale. I make my minimap about 3x-5x times bigger than it should be. It helps to find herbs without effort):

Also i have some herb spawns in Ice Crown, but i don’t like farming there cuz many herbs there require you to kill some mobs firstly:

————- 2. Inscription ————–

Ok, next one. I have 426 inscription ATM. So, after you got your money from herb selling, go to auction house and buy all avaible Adder’s Tongue (Adder’s Tongue - Item - World of Warcraft) (as for me, i don’t spend more than 1000g a day on it). The normal price for this herbs are 20-25g a stack. After you have all your Adder’s Tongue in your bag simply mille it (this is a bit annoying part).

You will have a lots of Azure Pigment and propper ammount of Icy Pigment. Make inks (Sea and Snowfall ofc). After that, go and buy some Eternal Life (it’s normal price is 120-150 gold a stack). If you used my herbalism guide, you will probably have lots of Eternal Lifes from herbs.

P.S. don’t forget that Inks of Sea can be traded to Inks of Snowfall at Dalaran.

Well, you know what’s next. Make Darkmoon Card of the North (Darkmoon Card of the North - Thottbot: World of Warcraft). I make arround 6-10 cards a day. If i’m lucky, 2-3 of them will be one of Noble deck cards, which can be sold up to 1000g per card, and arround 200-500g for cards from other decks.

Also, you can keep some of cards and make a deck for yourself.

by Marikafka

New World of Warcraft TV Commercials

Ozzy Osbourne's been the Prince of Darkness since 1979 -- too bad Arthas is poised to steal the throne. In a series of nationally televised ads, Ozzy and Steve van Zandt want to know: "What's your #!@? Game?" Check the spots out here before they hit the airwaves and be sure to press the "Watch in High Quality" option (bottom right of the picture) for the best results:

How to be a World of Warcraft millionaire

I got an email the other day from a friend I used to be in a guild with in World of Warcraft. I still play, but he left us about six months ago because he was having trouble keeping up with his classes. I understand - I’ve been there before myself.
He was thinking of jumping back into the game and wanted to ask me about a guide he had just read about and whether I thought it was legitimate. The name of the guide was Warcraft Millionaire.
Now, I’d heard the name tossed around a couple of times in general chat in Ironforge and on a couple of the forums, but hadn’t really thought much of it. There are dozens of gold making guides out there and they usually just recycle the same information. But, my friend was a pro and he seemed to be excited about it - he even said it might get him back into the game and the guild just so he could see how well it worked. If the guide was that compelling, I needed to find out more about it so, I visited the website at and read more about what the guy who wrote it - Brad Johnson - was selling.
My friend was right in a lot of ways. The guide is much different than the other ones I’ve seen before. First, it is written by the game’s first self-professed millionaire - something that was relatively hard to believe until I saw the video of him showcasing his multiple characters at the gold cap.
Second, the guide is extremely well written. A lot of times, you’ll find that game guides are written by someone who clearly didn’t spend much time awake during English classes in school. Well organized, well thought out and broken up into neat, easy to read sections, World of Warcraft Millionaire is a pleasure to read.
Finally, the information in the guide and its multiple bonus guides, is really quite useful. Not only does it include information that I have been more than a little interested in learning more about - things like low level gold techniques (why does every guide seem to focus on Outland these days) and advanced Auction House advice. The guide also focuses on helping beginners and veterans alike understand the basic fundamentals of the Warcraft economy instead of just showing them where to go and kill stuff for gold. It’s a nice breath of fresh air and I can see why this guide would work - if only because it is so easy to follow.
I won’t make any claims or statements about this guide making you a millionaire, or even thousands of gold for that matter - you always have to put the work in to be successful with things like this; but I will say that there are dozens of great gold making tips, a thorough, well presented voice, and one of the top notch approaches to gold making I’ve seen a long time. Plus, I’m glad to have my friend back in the guild. Kudos to Brad.

WOW Gold Price List Review

Time for a paid sponsored review via ReviewMe, this time for the online currency research website WOW Gold Price List. WOW Gold Price List dot com monitors the top gold currency service providers and posts the cheapest WOW Gold prices on this site. Never worry about paying to much for your WOW Gold again. Let us do the hard work so you can spend more time gaming. So bookmark us today and save.
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To Buy WOW items from an item seller on the Internet is one way to get that hard to find weapon or armor. Sometimes you can spend days searching in WOW looking for a certain item that you need to defeat a particular enemy and come up empty handed. The WOW items being sold on the web are from actual players who either sell a wow item to get some extra cash for the real world or by professional gamers who make their living playing WOW.
Disclaimer: This is NOT an endorsement for the use of online game currency providers. Use them at your own risk.

How to be a World of Warcraft millionaire

I got an email the other day from a friend I used to be in a guild with in World of Warcraft. I still play, but he left us about six months ago because he was having trouble keeping up with his classes. I understand - I’ve been there before myself.
He was thinking of jumping back into the game and wanted to ask me about a guide he had just read about and whether I thought it was legitimate. The name of the guide was Warcraft Millionaire.
Now, I’d heard the name tossed around a couple of times in general chat in Ironforge and on a couple of the forums, but hadn’t really thought much of it. There are dozens of gold making guides out there and they usually just recycle the same information. But, my friend was a pro and he seemed to be excited about it - he even said it might get him back into the game and the guild just so he could see how well it worked. If the guide was that compelling, I needed to find out more about it so, I visited the website at and read more about what the guy who wrote it - Brad Johnson - was selling.
My friend was right in a lot of ways. The guide is much different than the other ones I’ve seen before. First, it is written by the game’s first self-professed millionaire - something that was relatively hard to believe until I saw the video of him showcasing his multiple characters at the gold cap.
Second, the guide is extremely well written. A lot of times, you’ll find that game guides are written by someone who clearly didn’t spend much time awake during English classes in school. Well organized, well thought out and broken up into neat, easy to read sections, World of Warcraft Millionaire is a pleasure to read.
Finally, the information in the guide and its multiple bonus guides, is really quite useful. Not only does it include information that I have been more than a little interested in learning more about - things like low level gold techniques (why does every guide seem to focus on Outland these days) and advanced Auction House advice. The guide also focuses on helping beginners and veterans alike understand the basic fundamentals of the Warcraft economy instead of just showing them where to go and kill stuff for gold. It’s a nice breath of fresh air and I can see why this guide would work - if only because it is so easy to follow.
I won’t make any claims or statements about this guide making you a millionaire, or even thousands of gold for that matter - you always have to put the work in to be successful with things like this; but I will say that there are dozens of great gold making tips, a thorough, well presented voice, and one of the top notch approaches to gold making I’ve seen a long time. Plus, I’m glad to have my friend back in the guild. Kudos to Brad.